13:51:00 I'm getting "invalid mnemonic" trying to restore a multisig wallet from seed. is the correct way to call restore_deterministic_wallet with its seed? 13:52:45 --help shows --restore-multisig-wallet. 13:53:15 Doesn't seem to be an RPC for it. 13:53:24 (just looking quick) 13:54:34 huh, ok 13:57:34 nor is there a startup flag for monero-wallet-rpc, so it's only supported in monero-wallet-cli 13:58:17 (startup flags are generally less convenient than rpc params anyway) 14:06:01 opened an issue to support restoring multisig wallets in monero-wallet-rpc: https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/8877 17:49:02 .merge+ 8878 8854 17:49:02 Added 20:44:16 binaryFate: one more to add to the depends mirror https://github.com/unicode-org/icu/releases/download/release-73-1/icu4c-73_1-src.tgz