05:34:06 "jeffro256: of course not." <- Then what's this for? https://github.com/monero-project/monero/blob/00fd416a99686f0956361d1cd0337fe56e58d4a7/external/db_drivers/liblmdb/mdb.c#L5819-L5836 05:35:56 Can I not just use `MDB_GET_BOTH_RANGE` to put the cursor at the entry where the key <= the key value I pass in passed on the "lexographical" (`memcmp`) ordering? 05:36:10 * where the entry key <= 05:36:23 * Can I not just use `MDB_GET_BOTH_RANGE` to put the cursor at the entry where the entry key \<= the key value I pass in, based on the "lexographical" (`memcmp`) ordering? 05:42:31 * Can I not just use `MDB_SET_RANGE` to put the cursor at the entry where the entry key \<= the key value I pass in, based on the "lexographical" (`memcmp`) ordering? 07:10:05 Okay I learned that BlockchainLMDB::compare_hash32 is used to sort the hashes starting from the 7th byte, then the 6th byte, ..., 0th byte 07:11:45 Sorry nth uint32_t 07:14:43 Facebook/Infer static analysis worked on Monero. Big bunch of nothing burgers! Static analysis is useless for most cases. 15:25:06 jeffro256[m]: is 8949 something you can take a look at and also update the test case to catch this? 17:44:16 my test to scan txs is failing with error message "Expected block not returned by daemon" with this recent commit to wallet2: https://github.com/monero-project/monero/commit/65e13dbef1c3a4cc036919203eec2052a121f034 @jberman 17:44:30 the test merely calls scan_tx with a few of the wallet's tx hashes 18:02:51 might be because I've pulled some commits to the release branch so dependent commits could be missing 18:04:10 woodser[m]: do you have your own tests? 18:05:10 if yes you might want to share the test so that jberman[m] can reproduce 18:05:36 tests run on CI are all green 18:31:01 "jeffro256: is 8949 something you..." <- I opened a PR here: https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/8950 18:31:27 But if woodser could provide test cases which trigger the previous assertion, that would be greatly appreciated 18:32:33 The new PR I wrote just adds everything to the checking set so if you made the lists inconsistent, it would still be able to block frozen outputs 18:32:43 without asserting orderedness