09:24:23 A significant appeal of developing with Monero is its notably low transaction fees. While privacy is a distinct advantage, the cost savings, dependability, and reduced market volatility are just as praiseworthy. 09:24:56 Is this a flawed philosophy if utilizing the currency when developing say a prediction market of sorts that does transactions all in Monero? 09:26:17 If one wanted to utilize mine ro as the primary medium for a predictions market similar to manifold markets? 09:26:34 https://manifold.markets/ 09:26:41 If one wanted to utilize monero as the primary medium for a predictions market similar to manifold markets? 09:27:56 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/tijsbSqBKowKTIxFvPITDICE 09:28:04 Example Eth transaction cost on base. Still insane imo 09:28:54 Polygon is better I’m told. Still need to try it out myself 12:04:00 .merges 12:04:00 -xmr-pr- 8840 8882 8890 8891 8913 8924 8927 8941 8950 8953 8955 8956 8957 8959 12:04:02 .merge+ 8868 12:04:03 Added 13:33:28 can someone review this? https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/8786 14:40:34 wrong room 17:19:10 Which room do you recommend. #Monero-social wasn’t helpful 17:19:15 Which room do you recommend. #Monero-social wasn’t helpful 17:26:51 wrightpt1: #monero-community-dev:monero.social 17:28:25 Thank you💯✅ 22:57:37 .merge+ 8786 22:57:37 Added