01:24:00 .merges 01:24:00 -xmr-pr- 8937 8938 8941 8976 8977 8988 01:24:29 pls merges so that we can put out the release 01:53:42 .merges 01:53:43 8937 8938 8941 8976 8977 8988 01:53:43 -xmr-pr- 8937 8938 8941 8976 8977 8988 03:15:40 ok 03:19:05 thank you, gui too please 03:20:06 <0​x1zxq7896lp2zero:matrix.org> what happen to the rust monero implementation 03:20:49 <0​x1zxq7896lp2zero:matrix.org> last i saw it still had 3 separate open source conflicting licensees 03:22:24 <0​x1zxq7896lp2zero:matrix.org> https://github.com/rust-monero/xmr 03:22:35 <0​x1zxq7896lp2zero:matrix.org> https://github.com/xmr-rs/xmr 03:23:30 <0​x1zxq7896lp2zero:matrix.org> is this working 03:23:31 <0​x1zxq7896lp2zero:matrix.org> https://github.com/monero-rs 03:24:15 <0​x1zxq7896lp2zero:matrix.org> why multiple implementation 03:24:17 <0​x1zxq7896lp2zero:matrix.org> https://github.com/rust-monero 05:17:00 Is it really necessary to continue to f*ck with testnet, keep it at 80 kH/s and then sometimes leave for hours on end, basically bringing the network to a standstill? 05:18:45 There were 10 blocks over the last *12 hours* 06:36:10 Hello, I am trying to host a public monero node. However, I want to route my traffic through my VPS using TCP-Redir. This will allow my VPS ip to be used as a way for clients to connect to, instead of leaking my home ip address. The monerod instance is hosted on a physical server I have at my house, as the VPS does not have enough resources to host a public node. I found a public github issue describing the issue, but 06:36:11 it is a few years old and no progress has been made on it: https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/5979. From what I can understand, I can redirect traffic (both p2p and RPC), however whenever my public IP address is advertised via P2P, it will give the IP of my home address (instead I want my VPS ip advertised). Any solutions? How does monerod get your public ip address? 06:39:00 Why do this? The VPS has higher network bandwidth. This acts as a proxy, protecting my home IP from denial of service attacks. Individual services can be rate limited with TCP-Redir. 06:47:28 I also believe when monerod tries to connect to other public nodes, it will leak my public IP (even if somehow we were able to find a solution to my problem above). This is an acceptable limitation. Clients that connect to my public node will use my VPS ip. Ie if I discover another node, I'll end up leaking my home IP as I'll be connecting with a random port outbound. But if another node discovers me, they will connect 06:47:28 to my vps ip and use my specified P2P port. 06:56:16 --p2p-external-port arg (=0) External port for p2p network protocol 06:57:20 Use this with your VPS's public IP to override monerod's auto detected IP. Which IIRC it gets from a return message from peers in handshakes. 06:59:27 thanks 07:16:16 Come to think of it, it cannot be, since the peer would see the VPS's IP. So I'm not sure how it gets the IP then. 07:17:06 Oh wait. It's port, not IP :S 07:17:54 Yeah, makes sense. If you route your traffic throiugh a VPS, peers should see your VPS' IP. If they see your home IP, your redirection is probably broken in the first place. 07:18:26 And you can still use --p2p-external-port if your out port is different from your local listening port. 07:20:03 Maybe someone remembers whether this "IP from return packet from peer" notion is correct. I'm not 100% sure it is. 07:20:37 even if it correct, when I do discover other public nodes I'll be connecting to them with my home ip 07:21:02 Thus they return my home ip, and by that notion monerod will advertise my home ID. 07:21:10 IP* 07:22:07 I'll be getting two sets of packets sent back to me, one where it says my IP is home IP (when I discover other nodes), and one where it says it is my VPS ip (when other nodes discover me). 07:55:46 Honestly I don't think there is much benefit to try to route p2p traffic through my VPS if when I discover other public nodes I connect with my home IP. The P2P is already monitored, my home IP leaks when I try to discover other nodes. For instance I can find my node on MoneroHash even though I am not a public node and just leeching. So may as well just run a public node on home IP. 08:35:02 Ah. Then that's why they're getting your IP. I thought your redir was basically a personal VPN. 12:14:02 thiking.. Does --p2p-bind-ip allow you to "override" the ip that is broadcast? Or.. 12:14:02 Can --proxy be used instead of tcp-redir 12:47:17 It selects the IP to bind to. Usually these are non routable IPs from your LAN (or loopback). 12:47:42 I guess it'd work if you're on the backbone directly. We need someone on the backbone to test :D 17:03:36 Is Koe around ? 17:33:21 Dontasktoask.com 17:33:22 Whatsup? 19:42:01 s​eikoqq1:matrix.org: More frequently in the #monero-research-lab IRC channel than here, but yes, he follows development. 19:42:23 There is also a weekly meeting there, the last one 2 days ago was this one: https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/894 20:12:41 if were being technical, Koe is on a haitus. 20:13:36 Is he around? I guess it depends what you want to talk about. Aka, dontasktoask.com