10:26:12 are there settings/compile options that make it possible to run a node with under 4G ram, or is that a minimum? OOM killer gets me if I run with less:( 10:28:54 It should be more than enough unless you're syncing historical blocks. If that's what you're doing, check --db-sync-mode, tell it to sync more often - it'll be slower though. 10:29:31 Also check monerod --help for interesting things. Like... amount of memory to download new blocks before they're added. Forget the name. 10:29:43 Fewer peers might also help. 10:33:32 it is syncing, does it use less when it's up to date then? 10:33:46 Yes. 10:34:21 Syncing means downloading lots of blocks, placing them in a queue, then adding them, typically 20 at a time. Plus syncing the DB every, er, lots. 10:34:42 When you're just keeping up with new blocks, add a block at a time, sync after each block. 10:35:05 Syncing more often while syncing historical blcks will kill performance, which is already not great. 10:35:16 But play with it, and see what you can get away with. 10:35:35 Or just keep > 4 GB till you're synced if you can, then lower. 10:39:30 yeah, I think I'll do that, it's over halfway so hopefully done in a few hours 10:41:22 would've been done already if I'd given the VM enough ram from the start :D 10:42:21 --db-sync-mode default is fast:async:250000000bytes, so that's presumably 250Mb I could lose some of 10:48:19 FWIW sync speed is much faster at start for various reasons. Mostly tx volume being a trickle for the first few years. 10:48:34 But the last few thousand blocks are much slower as more is checked. 10:50:26 does the database size on disk grow faster towards the end? it's at 54% using 20G disk for a pruned node, which would mean ~40Gb total *if* it grows at the same rate, but I was expecing more like 70G for a pruned node 10:51:18 I guess if the first blocks are smaller that'd explain why it syncs a good way in before the OOM killer gets it 10:52:30 afaict not setting --block-sync-size means it'll do 20 blocks at a time, but I don't know how big a block is so... :) 10:54:32 A pruned DB is 60 ot 65 GB or so I think. 10:55:30 Most early blocks are empty. Most late blocks are not. But IIRC adds are made 200 blocks at once for the early chain. 10:57:02 ah, is that what BLOCKS_SYNCHRONIZING_DEFAULT_COUNT_PRE_V4 is 10:58:03 why did empty blocks get added? (sorry if this is an idiot question) 10:58:38 To keep track of difficulty. 10:59:04 And if you add a rule that says you can't add empty blocks, miners will start adding their own dummy tx, so no gain, and a loss from spam. 12:03:47 I never did quite figure out difficulty, I should probably re-read the original bitcoin paper again but the math was over my head the last time I tried :/ 14:40:51 Hey, what is the reason here that xmrig closes the connection after receiving a job? https://termbin.com/8e5d 14:40:59 Context, I'm trying to write a mining proxy 14:45:32 "target":"0x2" doesn't look right 14:46:09 and "id" field is missing in the response 14:46:40 sech1: The stratum doc says it's a notification, so there should be no ID: https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig-proxy/blob/master/doc/STRATUM.md#job 14:48:14 The same disconnect happens when I use for example "b88d0600" for "target" 14:52:34 Try to connect to xmrig-proxy and find the difference in what you send and what xmrig-proxy sends in response to "login" message 14:53:54 oh, you definitely forgot to send "seed_hash" in the job. RandomX requires it 14:54:15 and "height" 14:57:40 I recommend to check what P2Pool replies to login message: https://github.com/SChernykh/p2pool/blob/master/src/stratum_server.cpp#L309C74-L309C74 14:57:48 There's quite a different in what it sends 14:57:55 first of all, it's not "params" but "result" 14:58:22 So it means that STRATUM.md is outdated 14:58:37 absolutely 14:58:39 Thanks for the link 15:00:54 actually, you should've looked at https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig-proxy/blob/master/doc/STRATUM.md#example-success-reply 15:01:09 with the addition of "algo", "seed_hash" and "height" fields 15:01:20 oh 15:01:28 Yeah missed that one 15:02:45 It's outdated because it doesn't mention "algo" extensions, but it's mostly accurate 15:14:44 Alright, will see where that gets me 16:00:54 sech1: It's getting me _somewhere_ now: https://termbin.com/25ji 16:01:06 I'm trying this just on a local-only monerod testnet node 16:24:57 AFAICT it means that seed_hash is invalid 16:25:02 What should it be on height 1 though? 16:25:20 Since getblocktemplate() gives me an empty string for seed_hash on height 1 16:29:32 RandomX was activated at later height. 16:30:11 1978433 for mainnet, 1308737 for testnet 16:30:17 ahhh 20:24:21 selsta: Statistical analysis of PR 9023 completed: https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/9023#issuecomment-1802593848 20:24:31 Summary: LGTM 23:16:32 Hello, I'm forking cryptonote and am having difficulty with the gui wallet. I have the core compiled and working on ubuntu16 and win10, and the gui wallet working on ubuntu 16. But I am not able to get the gui wallet to compile on windows. I make the symbolic link and git submodule, and these are the commands I use to cmake and build: 23:16:40 cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017" -A Win32 .. -DBOOST_ROOT=B:/local/boost_1_55_0 -DBoost_ATOMIC_LIBRARY="B:\local\boost_1_55_00\libs\atomic" -DBoost_SYSTEM_LIBRARY="B:\local\boost_1_55_00\libs\system" -DBoost_FILESYSTEM_LIBRARY="B:\local\boost_1_55_00\libs\filesystem" -DBoost_THREAD_LIBRARY="B:\local\boost_1_55_00\libs\thread" -DBoost_DATE_TIME_LIBRARY="B:\local\boost_1_55_00\libs\date_time" 23:16:40 -DBoost_CHRONO_LIBRARY="B:\local\boost_1_55_00\libs\chrono" -DBoost_REGEX_LIBRARY="B:\local\boost_1_55_00\libs\regex" -DBoost_SERIALIZATION_LIBRARY="B:\local\boost_1_55_00\libs\serialization" -DBoost_PROGRAM_OPTIONS_LIBRARY="B:\local\boost_1_55_00\libs\program_options" -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="B:\Qt\Qt5.9.9\5.9.9\winrt_x64_msvc2017\lib\cmake\Qt5Gui;B:\Qt\Qt5.9.9\5.9.9\winrt_x64_msvc2017\lib\ 23:16:40 cmake\Qt5Widgets" 23:16:40 MSBuild CryptoNote.sln /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=Win32 /p:PlatformToolset=v140_xp /m 23:17:37 But the build fails with a function overload error: 23:17:38 "B:\Documents\Crypto\cryptonotewallet-master\build\thecrowncoin.sln" (default target) (1) -> 23:17:38 "B:\Documents\Crypto\cryptonotewallet-master\build\cryptonote.vcxproj.metaproj" (default target) (3) -> 23:17:38 "B:\Documents\Crypto\cryptonotewallet-master\build\cryptonote.vcxproj" (default target) (5) -> 23:17:38 (ClCompile target) -> 23:17:38 B:\local\boost_1_55_0\boost/multi_index/ordered_index.hpp(272): error C2668: 'boost::make_reverse_iterator': a 23:17:39 mbiguous call to overloaded function [B:\Documents\Crypto\cryptonotewallet-master\build\cryptonote.vcxproj] 23:17:39 B:\local\boost_1_55_0\boost/multi_index/ordered_index.hpp(273): error C2668: 'boost::make_reverse_iterator': a 23:17:40 mbiguous call to overloaded function [B:\Documents\Crypto\cryptonotewallet-master\build\cryptonote.vcxproj] 23:17:40 45 Warning(s) 23:17:41 2 Error(s) 23:18:33 if anyone has any help or suggestions for compiling the cryptonote wallet from https://github.com/cryptonotefoundation/cryptonotewallet on windows 10, then I would really appreciate it