00:48:50 Thanks, sech1 15:26:48 After mining a block I will pass it to monerod and got error: 15:26:49 `{'code': -7, 'message': 'Block not accepted'}` 15:26:49 Is any change to see the reason in logs or more debug information? 15:37:15 Yes, on log level 1. 15:37:41 If you can't repro it, then no. 15:38:18 Was this mined with the node's builtin miner ? 15:40:07 No, by xmrig 15:41:29 I suppose you can restart monerod with --log-level 1 --fixed-difficulty 1000 and mine another block. If it fails again, you'll know why. 15:41:59 Of course that block will be invalid, but you can "pop_block N" when done and restart without --fixed-difficulty 1000 to resync to the network. 15:42:34 It might be a broken db. In which case it'll likely be repeatable, and likely need a full resync. 15:44:18 I don't want to restart production node. 15:44:18 So I will make a request: 15:44:19 `curl -d '{"categories": "*:INFO,net.p2p.msg:WARNING,net.p2p.traffic:WARNING,"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'` 15:46:53 btw is it bad to run production mining node with prune enabling? can be latency here for accept blocks / create templates? 15:47:47 It is not bad. 15:48:17 You're unlikely to find a block in a reasonable amount of time to test this fwiw. Hence fixed difficulty. 15:48:48 I guess you can mdb_copy the db elsewhere to run a node with --fixed-difficulty 1000 on the copy. 15:49:06 (and I do mean mdb_copy, not cp) 15:49:58 its fine, I rent nh power to test it. 15:49:59 Some blocks accepted and some is not due to code -7, and coming to be orphaned. 15:50:00 Want to know why 16:06:23 There is testnet for this 16:06:42 What's the point to rent nh power to mine real blocks if you're not sure your setup works 100%? 16:32:44 Yes, you are right. 16:35:41 Is adding extra data to a coinbase transaction the only method to distribute unique work to miner by a mining pool ? 16:35:41 In some cases, Monero blocks contain numerous transactions in candidate, and computing the Merkle tree and hashing for each of the thousands of miners can be time-consuming. 16:35:42 Is there a way to optimize this process? 16:43:51 Updating the extra nonce can be done in O(logN) 16:44:22 Coinbase tx hash changes, then you need to calculate logN hashes to update the Merkle root 16:57:12 I thought you need to recalculate full merkle for each coinbase change. 17:23:42 I said Merkle root 17:23:58 And you need to recalculate it because it's a part of the hashing blob 18:55:53 .merges 18:55:53 -xmr-pr- 9023 19:01:45 .merge+ 9060 9061 9059 9056 9052 9053 19:01:45 Added 19:04:35 What is the maximum length of a fork chain in Monero? Can it be something like 8 blocks before being reorganized into the longest chain? 19:08:46 I think it can go up to 500000000. It'd have to start at the genesis block though. 19:08:55 8 blocks is valid, yes. 19:14:08 And how the net decide to which one is pick as the main? 19:16:24 The one with most cumulative work. 19:16:45 If there is a draw, keep the first one you see. 19:39:35 .merge+ 9049 19:39:35 Added