14:02:57 moneromoo, monero-ts is your library if im not wrong, When i subscribe on output receiving Its fired three times, once per receive, confirm and unlock. I just send some monero from my one account to another, inside a single wallet. And i've got only first fire - on receive. Is it correct behavior? 14:12:25 It is not. woodser says a couple days ago it's theirs. 14:13:57 I'd guess it's not correct behaviour though. 14:22:59 a​ndrey8ezkaro there's a known issue in monero-project where notifications are missing when sending funds from/to the same account: https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/8377 14:24:30 "from my one account to another" though, so maybe not due to that. 14:25:00 Also, does monero notify when an output gets unlocked ? I did not do that, though someone might have added it later... 14:26:27 yeah it should work ok if sending funds from/to different accounts in the wallet 14:26:42 the unlock notification is a feature of the libraries :) 14:30:26 moneromooo, i'm using webbrowser to connect to chat, really awful and i can't read no messages before my currect connection. Really annoying 14:33:01 mixtook you for him, sorry 14:34:20 with the above issue, it's expected that the notification will be missing when sending funds within the same account, even if to different subaddresses 14:34:51 Deffinately there are some bugs whith notifications related to self transfares though 14:35:49 I will just hope that my created tx is correct and gonna be unlocked 14:35:58 By the way 14:36:13 yes that should all be fine 14:36:31 Basically, how often "problematic" outputs are met in the network 14:36:47 They called frozen is guess 14:36:55 I gues** 14:37:35 Do I really not gonna be able to spend it ever? 14:41:52 you can freeze and thaw outputs locally in your wallet, so your wallet avoids spending them, but that only affects your wallet, not the network/blockchain 14:43:48 a​ndrey8ezkaro probably means potentially malicious use of custom unlock time on a tx. Does monero-ts check that? 14:44:47 a​ndrey8ezkaro: This IRC room is logged here: https://libera.monerologs.net/monero-dev 14:45:47 not automatically. it’s up to the caller to check, same behavior as monero-wallet-rpc 14:51:22 Yes, monero-ts checks it, as i said it fire notification when its getting unlocked 14:53:18 yes the unlock notification will fire whenever it unlocks 14:53:59 You can see the custom unlock time on a tx when it first is broadcast to the network. You don't have to wait for more confirmations to occur. 14:57:11 But still there is a probability of block gets kicked out, so I would say its better to wait some confirmations 14:57:53 Basically, is there such probability? 15:02:40 there's a low probability a tx can be discarded due to re-org or double spent, but you can still check the tx's unlock height once it's first seen