01:11:28 Is anyone aware of any rust project using RandomX, bindings , etc... ? 01:40:21 https://github.com/tari-project/randomx-rs 09:52:22 Hey I'm doing some experiments with a regtest and solomining with my own proxy 09:52:50 Monerod gives me a difficulty of "2568" and when I proxy the getblocktemplate to xmrig, I also see diff "2568" in xmrig 09:53:17 However upon submitting a block, monerod logs: does not have enough proof of work: at height 2000001, unexpected difficulty: 2568 09:53:26 And the block verification fails 09:53:37 Anyone got an idea why this is happening? 10:06:08 Perhaps relevant, I'm removing `extra_nonce` from xmrig's getblocktemplate request and replacing it with `reserve_size` 10:20:55 if you modify xmrig's request, maybe you get a response that xmrig doesn't expect, and it computes wrong hashes. 10:28:39 sech1: I am not modifying the difficulty though, and monerod says that it fails block verification with "unexpected difficulty". Could that error be misleading? 10:29:32 It's xmrig in daemon mode. What's the assumption in xmrig with its `extra_nonce` that it's sending as part of the getblocktemplate request? 10:30:12 I doubt it should be trying to include that in the mined block in any way, since it's not building a block on its own, rather should be mining the one that it gets as a getblocktemplate response 10:32:02 My proxy is modifying blocktemplate_blob and then also updating the blockhashing_blob 10:33:31 Maybe you calculate blockhashing_blob wrong 10:33:42 xmrig expects extra_nonce to be 8 bytes 10:34:02 I'm using this: https://docs.rs/monero/latest/monero/blockdata/block/struct.Block.html#method.serialize_hashable 10:34:55 Try to check if you get the same hashing blob if you don't modify the template 10:35:09 Okay 10:40:28 hm interesting, the Rust code prepends a byte 10:40:28 Possibly VarInt 10:43:56 https://github.com/monero-rs/monero-rs/issues/188 10:43:58 :) 10:55:35 monero-rs has a lot of bugs, especially in the rarely used parts of the code 10:56:07 Well it's free software, so we can fix it :) 11:02:38 sech1: Thanks for the pointer, it works with this change: https://github.com/monero-rs/monero-rs/pull/194/files 11:02:46 (Removing the prepended VarInt)