01:26:06 hi! Visited to ask is it possible to have Monero binaries signed with authenticode in addition to GPG signed hashes? I downloaded Monero for first time (bitcoin purist here ;) and I was in blind start. Verified SHA256 of my download against published signed list. But geting right PGP key was just getting matching one from keyserver. If server is hacked or compromised download is added, 01:26:06 nothing prevents from publishing matching hashes signed with key held by attacker. It all comes down to getting to introduce correct key. I know authenticode is not most secure option but it can quickly be verified by completely new users and not trusting a single website. Even TrueCrypt had this kind of signature. What are the reasoning for not obtaining one? 01:38:07 Gostface, does bitcoin have this authenticode thing? 01:43:22 gingeropolous yes, Bitcoin Core installer have that authenticore thing 01:44:43 but not the bitcoin-qt executable as it probably will mess with deterministic builds 01:44:49 rightio. my googling couldn't find any info 01:45:32 authenticode is the Digital Signature tab on file Properties when viewed under Windows 01:49:46 it would be nice to have similar thing for Monero. Because I do not have a lot of trusted public keys in my GPG keyring so the web of trusted signatures is no use for me. I just took my chances that getmonero website gives me proper hashes.txt that will lead me to right public key for verification 02:06:01 Gostface: the whole process with code signing on Windows is complicated. it requires a hardware token 02:08:15 it doesn't integrate well with our reproducible build process 02:08:24 is it really that complicated? 02:08:56 I understand, but is the installer also reproducible (deterministic)? 02:09:11 are you talking about the GUI? 02:09:24 yes the GUI windows installer is also reproducible 02:09:49 it's documented here https://github.com/monero-project/monero-gui/blob/master/installers/windows/Deterministic.md 14:35:53 woodser: Hello, I've implemented some logic in `onOutputReceived` listener, my wallet-rpc is working on a remote machine. It seems like listener doesn't fire every time it should. Have you encounter such inaccuracies? 14:36:43 Probobaly some one did deal whith it? 14:40:16 Or its just because of varying block time, idn? 14:40:54 Or its just because of varying block time, idn? (running on testnet) 14:47:44 You can check for "Received money" logs (enable them first) from wallet2. If they do not appear, it's a wallet2 bug. If they do appear, it's a client bug. 14:58:32 notifications are expected to be missing when sending from/to the same account in the same wallet. otherwise they should fire 14:59:23 yeah, I know about the issue whith such transfers, but I'm not doing so 15:00:03 different walelts and they are connected to different daemons 15:01:21 well, yes, i need tp check logs first, thanks m-relay . Did you mean just level up log-level in wallet conf file? 15:10:04 <0​xfffc:matrix.org> Hi Monero community. I am going to ask Core to add these labels to the our repo to tag our issues. In case you have a suggestion, or you think other tags are needed. Please let me know. 15:10:04 <0​xfffc:matrix.org> 1. reproduction needed 15:10:05 <0​xfffc:matrix.org> 2. not reproducible 15:10:05 <0​xfffc:matrix.org> 3. more info needed 15:14:36 Yes. They're in the wallet.wallet2 category, so --log-level 0,wallet.wallet2:DEBUG will do. Or just --log-level 2. 15:33:12 woodser: , m-relay Yep, the listener and the wallet rpc is ok, there is just a varying delay of confirmation, sorry guys. :D 15:33:22 woodser: , m-relay Yep, the listener and the wallet rpc are completely ok, there is just a varying delay of confirmation, sorry guys. :D 15:34:23 Probobaly, looking for a logs might solve 90% of issues :D 15:36:42 Mrelay isnt a person 🙏 15:37:01 I knew that! 15:37:35 M-relay is a bridge to IRC 15:37:36 the person youre mean to mention is "moneromoooo" 15:37:55 but was kinda embarrassed to ask :D 15:37:56 3 o's 15:38:25 * mrelay scans the room robotically 15:38:37 Okay, thank you for explanation 15:38:53 * mrelay emits happy beeps 15:42:06 Good bot 15:43:31 Good bot 15:43:32 Good bot 15:43:44 woodser: If I open a wallet whithin `walletRpc`, how long it will remained open? During the whole connection, or i need to check if its opened every time i interact whith it? 15:47:28 Probobaly, looking for logs might solve 90% of issues :D 15:54:46 And I also have one outgoing tx from my wallet which is failed, and it keeps being somewhere, in mempool or in wallet tx storage(I don't know if this exist...) What will happen to this tx, will it be kicked off after some time? 15:55:39 By the way it was the transfer from one account to primary account whithin one wallet 15:56:38 It'll go from the txpool after 24 hours (IIRC) or a week if it was in a block before being invalidated. 15:57:18 If it shows up as "failed" rather than "pending", this probably already happened. 15:57:54 I don't think you can remove those records without changing wallet2 (unless you rescan). 16:02:09 yeah the wallet will remain open unless you stop the server or manually close it 16:33:51 Thank you, it helped me a lot 19:00:57 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> mrelay is a way of life