03:09:34 It would be really cool if you could transfer monero through radio 03:20:10 Cant you? 03:20:22 Monero 08:21:37 i think it is possible to send a transaction using radio waves. There was even a CCS ages and ages ago. 08:21:55 They tried it/proved it with BTC before 08:21:58 https://news.bitcoin.com/no-internet-no-problem-how-to-send-bitcoin-by-amateur-radio/ 09:52:25 the radio technology isn't a problem. but it's illegal to send encrypted data over ham radio. 09:52:53 so while bitcoin can use that, I believe sending monero over ham radio is prohibited 09:54:32 OTOH, since any monero client can use the monero tx as is, it can be argued it's not encrypted. 09:54:58 yes, it's just sending JSON texts back and forth, I don't see any issues :P 09:54:59 I guess it depends on the wording in your jurisdiction. 09:55:04 txid is plaintext to me :D 10:01:32 but anyway, ham radio operators are a vanishingly small minority. more useful would be sending over broadcast wifi. 10:02:29 https://github.com/svpcom/wfb-ng 10:05:35 practically everyone who has a computing device capable of running monero also has a wifi radio... 10:17:46 greetings when doing a transaction with unsufficient founds the I get this info: 2023-12-14 10:15:33.802 E 1. THROW EXCEPTION: error::tx_not_possible 10:17:46 2023-12-14T10:15:33.803102176Z 2023-12-14 10:15:33.802 W /home/ubuntu/build/monero/src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:10778:N5tools5error15tx_not_possibleE: tx not possible, available = 1.067654845162, tx_amount = 1.060637745162, fee = 0.013037800000 10:18:10 using the rpc though I get only partially this info, 10:19:29 { 10:19:29 "error": { 10:19:29 "code": -16, 10:19:29 "message": "tx not possible" 10:19:29 }, 10:19:32 "id": 0, 10:19:34 "jsonrpc": "2.0" 10:19:36 } 10:19:48 is there a way to have that info through rpc ? 10:21:06 You can get that same string and put it in the message. Or you could add extra fields with the amounts if you want the client to process it automatically too. 10:21:26 It comes from an exception which has the amounts, it's not a string itself. 10:22:06 Though I'm not sure it's valid to have extra fields in the error field itself... 10:23:13 I doubt any existing clients would know to look for it or parse it 10:23:49 I'm using the https://monero-python.readthedocs.io/ so that would be there if I get it correctly ? 10:26:41 ha no I misunderstood 12:10:31 hyc: I do wonder if sending a monero transaction in "clear" counts as encryption, as the message itself is not obscured.. Seems less illegal than using pig latin which obscures the message :P 12:24:30 That's a question to lawyers probably 15:43:34 tobtoht: you mentioned replacing tor with arti in a previous ccs for feather, are you planning on making+using bindings? 16:12:10 hinto: I'm not actively pursuing the move to Arti at this time because I have concerns about supply chain security regarding its >500 transitive dependencies and the maintenance burden that results in. 16:24:53 fwiw rust dependencies are highly (overly?) split up - grep out the "known" ones (`tor-*`, `equix`, rust-project-owned like `futures-*`, `libc`, etc), the non-release deps, duplicates, and you're left with maybe a dozen 3rd party deps https://paste.debian.net/hidden/4eb577c7 16:25:33 i agree it would be a lot of work to change something that already works - which was why i was surprised to see it mentioned :) 16:42:26 I love supply chain attack : https://www.coindesk.com/business/2023/12/14/ledger-exploit-drained-484k-upended-defi-former-staffer-linked-to-malicious-code/ 18:23:43 I'm using the monero-wallet-rpc in my application and I'm simply trying to refresh the wallet to the current blockchain height to spend some funds (by calling `refresh`). 18:23:43 - I'm syncing a pretty large number of blocks. 18:23:44 - I consistently get `no connection to daemon` as an error as a response. I'm pretty sure the daemon is not the cause. I have used a ton of different ones that are known to be very stable (cakewallet, rino, different pools). 18:23:44 - I need to use a remote node because not all users are able to run a full node by themselves 18:23:45 - The monero-wallet-rpc keeps refreshing a couple thousand blocks before throwing the error again 18:23:45 Is this known behaviour? I'd assume that it's fine for the `no connection to daemon` to be thrown occasionally when you are just syncing in the background perhaps (I dont know why?) but what are you supposed to do if you are calling `refresh` because you need to refresh right now because you need to spent funds? Should I just ignore the errors and keep calling `refresh` until the wallet is synced? 18:23:46 Here are some logs of my application to help you understand what's going on. 18:23:46 > {"timestamp":"2023-12-14T18:19:14.924003Z","level":"DEBUG","fields":{"message":"Opened Monero wallet","monero_wallet_name":"swap-tool-blockchain-monitoring-wallet"}} 18:23:47 > {"timestamp":"2023-12-14T18:19:34.266956Z","level":"INFO","fields":{"message":"Syncing Monero wallet","name":"swap-tool-blockchain-monitoring-wallet","attempt":1}} 18:23:47 > {"timestamp":"2023-12-14T18:19:34.267693Z","level":"DEBUG","fields":{"message":"Syncing Monero wallet","name":"swap-tool-blockchain-monitoring-wallet","current_sync_height":3011407}} 18:23:48 > {"timestamp":"2023-12-14T18:19:34.271942Z","level":"WARN","fields":{"message":"Failed to sync Monero wallet","attempt":1,"attempts_left":"2","name":"swap-tool-blockchain-monitoring-wallet","error":"JSON-RPC request failed with code -38: no connection to daemon"}} 18:23:48 > {"timestamp":"2023-12-14T18:19:36.274688Z","level":"INFO","fields":{"message":"Syncing Monero wallet","name":"swap-tool-blockchain-monitoring-wallet","attempt":2}} 18:23:49 > {"timestamp":"2023-12-14T18:20:34.474708Z","level":"WARN","fields":{"message":"Failed to sync Monero wallet","attempt":2,"attempts_left":"1","name":"swap-tool-blockchain-monitoring-wallet","error":"JSON-RPC request failed with code -38: no connection to daemon"}} 18:23:49 > {"timestamp":"2023-12-14T18:20:34.474735Z","level":"DEBUG","fields":{"message":"Syncing Monero wallet","name":"swap-tool-blockchain-monitoring-wallet","current_sync_height":3015989}} 18:23:50 > {"timestamp":"2023-12-14T18:20:36.477297Z","level":"INFO","fields":{"message":"Syncing Monero wallet","name":"swap-tool-blockchain-monitoring-wallet","attempt":3}} 18:23:50 > {"timestamp":"2023-12-14T18:21:08.92921Z","level":"DEBUG","fields":{"message":"Syncing Monero wallet","name":"swap-tool-blockchain-monitoring-wallet","current_sync_height":3016739}} 18:23:51 > {"timestamp":"2023-12-14T18:21:08.929235Z","level":"WARN","fields":{"message":"Failed to sync Monero wallet","attempt":3,"attempts_left":"0","name":"swap-tool-blockchain-monitoring-wallet","error":"JSON-RPC request failed with code -38: no connection to daemon"}} 18:24:22 for pasting lots of text please use https://paste.debian.net/ 18:24:34 Will do, sorry 18:27:18 I'm using the monero-wallet-rpc in my application and I'm simply trying to refresh the wallet to the current blockchain height to spend some funds (by calling `refresh`). 18:27:18 - I'm syncing a pretty large number of blocks. 18:27:18 - I consistently get `no connection to daemon` as an error as a response. I'm pretty sure the daemon is not the cause. I have used a ton of different ones that are known to be very stable (cakewallet, rino, different pools). 18:27:19 - I need to use a remote node because not all users are able to run a full node by themselves 18:27:19 - The monero-wallet-rpc keeps refreshing a couple thousand blocks before throwing the error again 18:27:20 Is this known behaviour? I'd assume that it's fine for the `no connection to daemon` to be thrown occasionally when you are just syncing in the background perhaps (I dont know why?) but what are you supposed to do if you are calling `refresh` because you need to refresh right now because you need to spent funds? Should I just ignore the errors and keep calling `refresh` until the wallet is synced? 18:27:20 Here are some logs of my application to help you understand what's going on: https://pastebin.com/rZitbR7m 18:27:21 and the logs of the monero-wallet-rpc https://pastebin.com/JmyAfRK7 18:27:43 when you edit stuff on matric it resends the entire message to IRC D: 18:28:05 anyway, do you run into the same issue syncing from your own node? not surprised remote nodes occasionally drop connection when syncing many blocks, even 'reliable' ones 18:33:08 I haven't tried that yet but I'd assume not. You are probably right. How do "light wallets" (meaning wallets which connect to a remote node) handle this normally? Should I just keep retrying? 18:47:23 Did you look at the wallet logs to see whether it says anything useful ? 18:47:34 (level 2) 18:53:55 Not yet but I'll try that, thanks 18:54:33 Always a good idea to check logs to see what's wrong. For all kinds of software, not just monero. 18:55:14 I did attach the logs of the rpc as well but haven't thought of setting the log level to be more verbose 20:22:17 I set the log level to 4 and this is the part of the logs where `no connection to daemon` happens. Seems to be just a timeout. Nothing I can do really? Is it possible to increase the timeout? 20:22:17 https://paste.debian.net/1301128/ 20:25:47 The node has to process the request 20:26:14 Run your own remote node, that isnt being hammered by thousands if other people 20:26:46 And has to have enough bandwidth to serve everyone connected to it 20:27:15 Id recommend not using well known /heavy/big remote nodes 20:30:01 https://xmrguide.org/remote_nodes 20:34:57 (posting link to say: run your own node)