00:07:12 Hey guys I've created a Python CLI tool called PSST(Polyseed secret sharing tool) that you can use to store your seed more securely! It uses Shamir's Secret Sharing Scheme and is very easy to use. 00:07:12 With this setup you won't have to worry about boating accidents anymore. 00:07:12 I coded this today so contribution's are very much welcome) 00:07:13 https://github.com/Unkn8wn69/psst 00:32:19 dumb question maybe but why does polyseed need its own sss app 07:45:52 This uses the polyseed index to compress the resulting hex code. If you just take your seed in hex to do it it'll be 80+ words per share. All other slip39 tools are designed for BIP-39 07:46:08 At least what I could find 07:52:03 Its also not a full redo. This app basically only serves as a better tool for setting up the groups and to have a smaller final word seed. It then uses Trezors python-shamir to do the actual sss 10:58:13 i'm studying the monero p2p algo. it all makes sense bar one point- in a completely new network how do seed nodes bootstrap the peerlists? is the initial peerlist hardcoded? i'm talking 2014 era monero bootstrap, imagining there are no nodes that have a copy of the peerlist to send around. 11:01:50 There is a hardcoded list of seed nodes 11:02:09 I don't know how it happened in 2014, but I suspect people added peers manually to join the network 11:03:58 ah yes manual peer connections makes sense. thanks 11:40:55 How did BTC do it? 11:54:20 Inge, sorta the same way. I remember fluffypony also mentioning that it used to connect to the #bitcoin IRC channel and get IP addresses that way 11:59:10 from reading https://github.com/monero-project/monero/blob/master/src/p2p/net_node.inl i see that we add our own address to the peerlist if --hide-my-port is false, so with this functionality, along with manual connections, i can see how you can bootstrap a network 12:53:00 Bootstrapping a p2p network is a whole area of research, actually. Many papers on that. 12:54:00 Common approaches are "well-known peers" (aka seed nodes), manual peer adding, and saved peerlists. There's also a DHT table but DHT is a p2p network itself, so it's kind of chicken and egg problem. 12:54:33 And there's also whole ipv4 space scanning if p2p network is already big (works with DHT) 13:20:31 it's a bit disgusting that IPv4 scanning is actually a thing, and that it works. 13:20:50 The world should have moved onto IPv6 at least a decade ago 13:22:37 Then we'd just use multicast groups and not worry about it. routers would find our peers for us transparently. 13:56:41 Multicast is only for LAN though, and what I found on IPv6 Internet multicast is still highly experimental 14:00:28 I suppose. but it's been available for ages now. if it was getting heavy use, it would rapidly mature out of experimental status