14:40:13 <m-relay> <w​oodser:monero.social> I'd like to give a bump to this feature, to subtract mining fees from destinations: https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/8861
14:41:38 <m-relay> <w​oodser:monero.social> it's powerful feature, so the mining fees aren't a dynamic cost on top of everything. we're relying on it in haveno
14:42:16 <m-relay> <w​oodser:monero.social> it's a powerful feature, so the mining fees aren't a dynamic cost on top of everything. we're relying on it in haveno
14:47:37 <m-relay> <w​oodser:monero.social> any thoughts, updates, next steps, or things we can do to move this forward? jeffro256 or luigi
14:51:30 <m-relay> <a​lex:agoradesk.com> This feature hasn't been merged for a while now. It's essential and long overdue (we've first opened an issue about it in 2021). It's tested and used. Please merge ASAP.
14:52:34 <m-relay> <a​lex:agoradesk.com> jeffro256: @luigi1112
15:00:34 <m-relay> <j​effro256:monero.social> It still hasn't been reviewed and approved by another dev. If we can get someone else to review and approve then there's a good chance it could be merged
15:01:44 <m-relay> <w​oodser:monero.social> I can certainly test it and give a review of the code
15:03:53 <m-relay> <w​oodser:monero.social> it would need rebased though, and on the release branch to run tests
15:08:20 <plowsof> Also Ruckniums thoughts if possible as its messing with fees 
15:11:06 <m-relay> <w​oodser:monero.social> it's a powerful feature for building applications, so the mining fees aren't a dynamic cost on top of everything. we're relying on it in haveno
15:20:35 <m-relay> <r​ucknium:monero.social> As long as the same standard fees appear on the blockchain, it should be OK. So reviewers should check that.
15:20:42 <m-relay> <a​lex:agoradesk.com> @plowsof It's not messing with fees. It's merely subtracting the fee from the amount being sent. One can do it manually as well by looking up the current fee rate and reducing the amount being sent.
15:29:57 <m-relay> <w​oodser:monero.social> a note on timing, unfortunately I can't update the monero-project codebase in the monero-java/ts/cpp libraries without this feature rebased or merged, with the dependencies building on it, so hoping to progress things in a timely manner, and avoid being "stuck in time" to release with an experimental feature :)
15:46:40 <m-relay> <v​tnerd:monero.social> I will look at the review then
15:49:47 <m-relay> <v​tnerd:monero.social> jeffro256:  I just looked, I have a bunch of unanswered questions in my last review. Am I to assume no changes were made for those?
16:57:08 <m-relay> <j​effro256:monero.social> I will go through those comments and update, thank you
16:57:16 <m-relay> <j​effro256:monero.social> Sorry I forgot about those
16:57:58 <m-relay> <v​tnerd:monero.social> I recall it being close to approve, so I think this can get done today hopefully
17:27:37 <rbrunner> Does vtnerd's fundraiser struggle because people are not interested in LWS, or because the CCS is still very dominant, and people don't know Magic?
17:27:38 <rbrunner> https://monerofund.org/projects/Q1Q2_2024_dev_vtnerd
17:58:25 <m-relay> <v​tnerd:monero.social> I wish I knew myself, because I'm stuck on whether to retry with CCS.
17:59:43 <m-relay> <v​tnerd:monero.social> There's at least one feature listed I know some people want - a c/c++ frontend for lws. The plan is to eventually provide jni hooks for Android, which is something listed on monero bounties
18:30:09 <endogenic> i have that already
18:30:29 <endogenic> i'll release it shortly but i have had no one contacting me even tho i have announcdd that already
18:31:10 <m-relay> <v​tnerd:monero.social> You've announced it, but I can't recall seeing a post with a link to a repo or anything
18:31:43 <m-relay> <v​tnerd:monero.social> So it's status is still unknown
18:31:54 <endogenic> things are unknown when you never ask about them, of course
18:31:59 <endogenic> especially when you never try to help someone
18:32:16 <endogenic> i've also mentioned that there are some serious problems with the existing sea code, and that I have oodles of fixes
18:32:24 <endogenic> c*
18:32:37 <endogenic> The code is finished and it's well tested
18:32:53 <m-relay> <v​tnerd:monero.social> Then where is it?
18:32:57 <endogenic> The reason I am blocked is on something completely different. In fact, I doubt you have any idea what I've been dealing with
18:33:05 <endogenic> it's on GitHub in a private repository
18:33:09 <endogenic> it has been for years
18:33:16 <endogenic> this is what happens when the community doesn't give a shit about one of its developers
18:33:22 <endogenic> he goes into stealth because he thinks that no one will have his back
18:33:31 <endogenic> you're free to throw your hands up at that, but you were part of the reason it happened
18:35:06 <endogenic> i've even developed a couple medical issues because of the stress
18:38:49 <endogenic> vtnerd you can actually help me with what blocks me right now
18:39:08 <endogenic> being more an expert in ecc math
18:43:16 <dEBRUYNE> rbrunner, vtnerd: Frankly think people perceive it easier to donate on the CCS, but I might be wrong on this
18:47:08 <rbrunner> May well be that "perception" is a big part of it, yes.
18:51:05 <m-relay> <1​23bob123:matrix.org> I’d say its more CCS is community as magic is “business”
18:56:32 <rbrunner> I doubt that most people come as far as fully understanding the differences between CCS and that "business". I would guess many shy away much earlier with an immediate first response of "Don't know this, don't feel comfortable here"
18:58:58 <m-relay> <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Maybe trust or unknown quantity
18:59:46 <dEBRUYNE> Also this I think rbrunner -> <plowsof> nobody reads the faq ofcourse so they probably think you have to kyc to donate 
18:59:53 <m-relay> <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Also not sure what info is required by magic for you to be added
19:00:07 <dEBRUYNE> As far as I understand, it is only required in case you want to claim a tax deduction, but most people don't know that I guess
19:05:26 <rbrunner> Well, if I hit on the "Donate" button on the fundraiser page, I for one don't see anything that lets me fear a strict KYC requirement.
19:05:50 <endogenic> it's amazing being completely ignored after all the stuff I've done for certain people here
19:05:52 <rbrunner> Only if I check the "I want a tax deduction" radio button name and email switch to "required"
19:06:04 <m-relay> <1​23bob123:matrix.org> I mean proposer what info do they need to provide
19:07:42 <rbrunner> Yes, but if vtnerd's fundraiser there struggles certainly what they had to endure in order to get listed is *not* the problem!
19:09:25 <endogenic> so many things I've kept private for people, and they seem to just trample on me
19:10:14 <endogenic> it's actually amazing how some propaganda was generated about how I'm the one who can't respect an NDA. It's part of an obvious power struggle i told people about
19:10:22 <endogenic> and for the people whose secrets I'm still keeping regardless of how you treat me, you're welcome
19:10:26 <endogenic> it's not because of how you treated me
19:12:58 <m-relay> <r​ucknium:monero.social> Dan 🤐 r/dark (Is not the man & Braxman Tomsparks Advocate ): Info on eligibility and required info from funds recipients is on the apply page: https://monerofund.org/apply
19:14:26 <m-relay> <r​ucknium:monero.social> MAGIC has always said that a form of KYC from fund recipients is required due to laws. I think I have always said that when I encouraged people to apply. As a "downside" compared to the CCS.
19:16:02 <m-relay> <r​ucknium:monero.social> But it would be an upside for certain applicants like researchers at universities or companies that need to have a contract.
19:19:01 <m-relay> <j​effro256:monero.social> @vtnerd okay updates to #8861 are made
19:20:27 <m-relay> <j​effro256:monero.social> If anyone else would like to review/test it, it would be greatly appreciated
21:07:13 <m-relay> <s​needlewoods_xmr:matrix.org> jeffro256 the unit_tests failed for me at `parsing.strtol` with: 
21:07:13 <m-relay> <s​needlewoods_xmr:matrix.org> ```
21:07:13 <m-relay> <s​needlewoods_xmr:matrix.org> Value of: (*__errno_location ())
21:07:14 <m-relay> <s​needlewoods_xmr:matrix.org>   Actual: 107
21:07:14 <m-relay> <s​needlewoods_xmr:matrix.org> Expected: 0
21:07:15 <m-relay> <s​needlewoods_xmr:matrix.org> ```
22:29:00 <m-relay> <j​effro256:monero.social> Could you post a full log plz and what OS are you on?
22:31:01 <m-relay> <j​effro256:monero.social> And what version of libc
22:36:54 <m-relay> <j​effro256:monero.social> Errno code 107 is for connections that aren't open