11:59:00 will dm you the details, everything else I tested manually with monero-wallet-cli worked as expected 20:48:58 I hate the government I hate big tech...I hate cbdcs. Oh and I hate binance. I love Monero...I hold Monero...am I in the right place? 21:03:25 nope, try #monero 21:26:38 https://paste.debian.net/1306538 we spend unbelievable amount of time in get_difficulty_for_next_block 21:30:58 This paste does not show evidence for that claim. 21:36:08 That is output from perf for two node syncing locally (one fully sync, one started blank). Will upload all of it in few hours. Got tired went outside. 21:36:53 Yes, but you need to show what's *up* from this. Your paste could be the same if the function was fast or slow. 22:28:04 Makes sense, considering that you need to poke lmdb 720 times to get all DIFFICULTY_WINDOW blocks' data 22:28:08 for each new block 22:28:45 get_block_cumulative_difficulty x 720, get_block_timestamp x 720 - that makes 1440 lmdb transactions 22:30:00 it should reduce it to 2 lmdb transactions per block if you request them sequentially 22:33:28 moneromoooo did you ever get this triggered? https://github.com/monero-project/monero/blob/master/src/cryptonote_core/blockchain.cpp#L993 22:33:50 using std::stringstream all the time to do logging there can slow it down too 22:34:30 yes, this was triggered a couple times but we fixed it, since then not anymore