09:21:21 <m-relay> <v​enmusica:matrix.org> Will merge mining be enabled in the GUI wallet? Is it possible already, but hidden?
09:42:05 <sech1> Merge mining is coming to p2pool, and GUI has p2pool integrated, so probably yeah
09:42:29 <sech1> Not possible right now though
10:20:53 <narodnik> nice there was discussion darkfi #dev about the monero merge mining through gui
10:23:26 <plowsof> There is a bounty open to support the effort here https://bounties.monero.social/posts/96/4-699m-add-merge-mining-to-p2pool
18:09:28 <m-relay> <u​nkn8wn69:matrix.org> When transitioning to seraphis and jamtis. How would this impact old wallets? Would people need to transfer coins to new wallets within a timeframe? If so, wouldn't a lot of coins be lost in that process?
18:09:28 <m-relay> <u​nkn8wn69:matrix.org> Or can someone still restore old xmr later on?
18:12:00 <sech1> Old wallets won't be able to receive payments to their old addresses
18:12:05 <sech1> but they won't lose any coins
18:12:34 <sech1> people will need to open old wallet files with the new wallet software and it will show them the new wallet addresses
18:13:04 <m-relay> <u​nkn8wn69:matrix.org> Great!
18:13:28 <m-relay> <u​nkn8wn69:matrix.org> How's the progress looking? Is it all discussed in no-wallet-left-behind?
18:13:47 <sech1> yes
21:13:47 <m-relay> <v​enmusica:matrix.org> Awesome, thank you