00:01:51 The argument for Drivechains is some balance of simplicity with effectiveness. That just doesn't change how its 'simplicity' is by failing to solve a variety of issues while still having enough complexity it'd be a notable effort to support (proposed here as a hard fork). 04:44:21 Hey ya'll. Quick question - if I download the monero cli, is there any way to use it and not have to download the full blockchain? 04:52:45 stevenxl: you can use a remote node with the ` --daemon-address` flag 15:26:34 UkoeHB, thank you. I used the monero gui which is really what I should have done from the beginning. 15:42:02 I find myself more often than I like to admit typing the amount into the description field and I wonder if anyone else does this and thinks it would make sense to have description at the bottom, below amount 17:00:30 This script system not applying to other technologies is by design so mainchain monero stays private cash and sidechains can be used to add other features like a robust scripting system. 17:10:11 twidtwo: Yeah but it fails at that. 17:10:44 Monero becomes a private cash with a non-private miner DAO voting on sidechains yet who effectively operate a multisig under Drivechains. 17:11:01 Under the linked issue, Monero maintains full privacy and ensures soundness. 17:11:35 The scripting system is also math itself, with L2s able to define support for specific bytecodes/languages. 17:12:53 Also, I didn't say Monero should have a robust scripting system. I said it should have enough to reach escape velocity (the ability for a robust scripting system to be built on a L2 verified on the L1). 21:19:35 @kayabanerve:matrix.org I can't really respond to concept Nacks as I didn't choose the concept. The reason it doesn't enable L2 is because that isn't really something that is a part of drivechain. 22:43:52 I'm fine with you playing the advocate for Drivechains, yet I'm obligated to voice my perceived fundamental issues. If you cannot advocate for Drivechains around those issues, that points to the advocacy as flawed. If you simply do not, I fully respect your choice not to do so. 22:46:02 If Monero is to segment its privacy, it shouldn't be for a miner DAO voting without a lack of inherent scaling. It should be for a minimal script which has Monero guarantee execution and enable scaling. That's my take. 22:48:28 (And I only support it if it doesn't segment privacy, as the techniques above so culminate)