00:37:49 Should we make it so that the daemon returns an error response if busy? 00:41:00 Unrelated: is there a way to raise the maximum number of connections per-host for the TCP server? I'm testing a reorg bug and using 3 daemons, but I hit the limit (which is 2 AFAICT) ~60% of the time 06:36:03 jeffro256: --max-connections-per-ip 18:45:29 I plan to get v0.18.3.2 tagged tomorrow, is anything missing? 21:24:55 moneromoooo: how long should it take to run `check_blockchain_pruning`? 21:25:51 IIRC it reads all the tx data. If so, it could be lengthy. 21:26:20 Much faster than syncing though, to give an idea. 21:26:40 ok, I'll let it run for it bit and see what happens 21:31:00 took 5 minutes or so 21:42:36 sorry for the waste of time selsta, I'll add a sticky note on the openrpc doc 21:44:49 no problem, I also had it in memory that the check prune blockchain function is instant but doesn't seem so