07:51:08 <m-relay> <v​kg1tyfj:matrix.org> Using monero-ts, what's the fastest way to fetch transaction data from blocks? I tried block = daemon.getBlockByHeight(height) but block.getTxs() always returns null. Now I iterate over block.txHashes and call daemon.getTx(hash) for each transaction, but that's slooow...
08:14:11 <m-relay> <s​yscall:cat.casa> https://www.getmonero.org/resources/moneropedia/viewkey.html
08:14:11 <m-relay> <s​yscall:cat.casa> > Every Monero address has a private viewkey which can be shared. By sharing a viewkey, a person is allowing access to view every incoming transaction for that address. However, outgoing transactions cannot be reliably viewed as of June 2017. Therefore, the balance of a Monero address as shown via a viewkey should not be relied upon.
08:14:12 <m-relay> <s​yscall:cat.casa> Why is that? What happened on June 2017?
08:30:50 <sech1> that phrase was written in June 2017, that's what happened
08:31:20 <sech1> It still holds true though. Outgoing transactions can't be reliably viewed.
10:24:08 <Inge> Was this settled for seraphis / fcmp - are we getting viewkeys that can reliably show outgoing tx?
10:24:24 <Inge> damn. channel. sorry.
12:36:22 <m-relay> <w​oodser:monero.social> you should use `getBlocksByHeight` or `getBlocksByRange`, which will make binary requests to monerod for the raw blocks so they contain all transaction data, whereas `getBlockByHeight` makes a json request to monerod and returns only the block metadata without the transactions
12:40:00 <m-relay> <p​reland:matrix.org> Yeah I got nothing; the history of Monero on getmonero doesn’t show anything happening in June 2017
12:40:35 <m-relay> <p​reland:matrix.org> Maybe it’s referring to the network upgrade in September of that year? idk
12:52:10 <m-relay> <v​kg1tyfj:matrix.org> .. not a native speaker, for me the meaning of "as of June 2017" is that the article was written in June 2017 and Monero didn't support viewing outgoing transactions at that time (and still doesn't, since there was no update until now).
12:56:00 <m-relay> <j​effro256:monero.social> Viewing outgoing transactions will be possible with the view-balance key in Jamtis though
15:53:05 <m-relay> <p​reland:matrix.org> That’s probably what it means yeah
15:53:05 <m-relay> <p​reland:matrix.org> Tbh it’s a pretty misleading statement though; albeit not a very dangerous one