08:42:46 I am trying to do initial blockchain sync, with self-compiled latest master, on OpenBSD 7.4 08:43:49 There is a problem that syncing gets slower and slower, until over the course of about 1 hour you can hardly move the X cursor anymore, and echo of single characters on the monerod console takes a minute or so 08:45:03 It looks to me like the first suspicion of a memory leak is not the answer because "top" shows an almost constant memory use of about half a gig for monerod 08:46:31 If I still manage to exit monerod (still possible after about 1 hour, after 2 hours the systems seems to be frozen completely) everything returns to normal 08:47:37 and then after a restart syncing resumes and is fast again 08:47:47 for about 1 hour. Rinse and repeat. 08:47:53 Any idea? 10:47:40 01GXQ7PK2DK0KQX35H8D6MZ5ES.gif 10:47:43 cry about it 10:49:03 This would require flamegraph I think 11:08:32 rbrunner: https://www.reddit.com/r/openbsd/comments/txdt4o/comment/i3orkh0/ related? 11:08:38 https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/7027 11:49:56 Related to BP+ optimization discussion brought by ArticMine. Is the actual implementation making use of SIMD ? If yes up to which one, SSE2 ? SSE4x ? AVX2 ? 11:49:59 selsta: Thanks. Not sure, but it gave me ideas what to try next. 11:50:50 Checking crypto/crypto-ops.c, I would like to believe the compiler vectorize the work. But I'm not entirely sure 11:53:19 src/ringct/bullet*. Building blocks are crypto-ops.c, but I would touch src/ringct first. 11:53:58 The multiexp is a large part of the processing. Multiprocessing would be a better performance/work ratio to go for first. 11:55:06 There's a version of the stuff from crypto-ops for the wallet which uses asm (can't recall whether SIMD, but likely), it did not replace those ops for the node due to fork concerns. 11:55:27 https://github.com/monero-project/supercop/tree/monero 11:57:34 alr. thx for the link