00:46:00 Binaries for v0.18.3.3 are not available at https://www.getmonero.org 00:46:05 *now 03:15:33 Oh really? Why? 07:18:24 Monero does not support gpg keys, does it? 07:18:46 A signed URI : https://paste.debian.net/1312769/ 07:18:58 https://paste.debian.net/1312768/ 07:27:12 3.3 released without my light wallet fixes 🥲 07:28:30 plowsof's fault, most likely. 07:37:01 i am involved yes tangentially as the PR stemmed from the bounties site lol https://bounties.monero.social/posts/90/6-500m-implement-monero-light-wallet-server-client-library-for-android-native but everoddandeven 3.3 was tagged for release / set in stone 3 weeks ago. your light wallet PR #9269 just needs some reviews/testing from people who know 07:37:01 that area of code and been only 3 days :) 07:46:10 I really would like to talk with someone who know, there are other potential fixes that I could make 07:58:23 everoddandeven: What are your PR numbers? 08:05:37 9269 08:09:04 It's only a few days old and .3 was already tagged before that 08:09:17 I think there will be a .4 and it can potentially be included there once it has sufficient reviews 08:11:51 Okie 😄 08:13:15 Also I encourage you to PR your other fixes! 10:29:25 Yes, currently i am started using monero-nodejs library , and it not working. may be due incompatible with current version. 10:31:27 sure , i tried it with monero-ts also. and used given function moneroTs.connectToDaemonRpc(hostname, port ) but still facing issue. 10:38:04 you might encounter the same or similar issue if there's still a mismatch between client and server. feel free to debug further with me on #monero-community-dev:monero.social or DM 11:00:15 -14 11:46:20 vtnerd hopefully you are able to see our messages in the chat room with everoddandeven? 11:52:35 I think we need to recreate the room 12:27:42 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Matrix.orgy issue 12:28:17 <3​21bob321:monero.social> ironically 15:11:33 woodser: I see them 18:49:24 Is there subaddress support with your code?