04:54:19 woodser: could you please help i am facing error 'TypeError: Failed to parse URL from /home/User/Documents/Monero-Staking/.next/server/vendor-chunks/monero_wallet_keys.wasm" 07:46:58 I can do that, but I think it would only work with a lws server that supports subraddress scan. For example, vtnerd's lws server seems to not support subadress scan/import 07:47:18 > <@snowman:tetaneutral.net> Is there subaddress support with your code? 07:47:19 I can do that, but I think it would only work with a lws server that supports subraddress scan. For example, vtnerd's lws server seems to not support subaddress scan/import 09:03:34 you need to pass the `--no-experimental-fetch` flag to node and set the legacy openssl provider: `export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider` 15:35:08 It does support subaddressses, but only the develop branch atm 15:36:54 You have to use the option --max-subaddresses otherwise the feature is disabled 17:10:28 MRL meeting right now? 17:13:58 aremor: Yes, in #monero-research-lab:monero.social . If you cannot see live discussion because your home server is matrix.org, follow by refreshing https://libera.monerologs.net/monero-research-lab . You can send messages and we can receive them. Maybe you won't see this message until later. 17:14:07 Yes, but you probably can't read this answer 20:12:29 chatgpt creates some interessting release commits. Might be usefull. https://paste.debian.net/1312978/ 20:13:00 git log v0.18.3.2...v0.18.3.3 | xclip -selection c 20:13:48 I just asked chatgpt to create a release note for the following commits. 20:18:01 Might help as a kind of template. 22:11:50 This is weird. Why does wallet rpc open_wallet create a file, if a wallet file does not exist?