09:24:02 @price 09:24:12 @price TWD 17:33:12 As jeffro256: mentioned, it does not support zmq. Monero-lws does support webhooks/Zmq, for receives and _possible_ spends 17:36:49 Sorry for the spam, didn't mean to start a thread. jeffro256: already stated this, but the wallet doesn't support zmq. Only LWS does afaik. Receives, _possible_ spends, and new account requests can be sent over zmq if a webhook is added for each case 17:45:48 alrighty, thanks 17:49:27 How far along is LWS to being usable for everyday wallets? 17:55:18 I beefed up the unit tests recently, so I'm much more confident in recommending it. Based on bug tickets and private messages (also potential bug questions), it appears I have some users which should give increasing confidence. There's one major outstanding issue in the lmdb code during a resize (that unfortunately is in monero code not LWS) 17:56:25 And for those curious, the lmdb code doesn't impact monero, just lws. I put some lmdb until code in monero back when I thought LWS was going to be merged into monero 17:59:21 How much work needs to be done on wallet side to support LWS? Is it as simple as swapping out the node connection for LWS, or does it have affects on spending etc. 17:59:54 it's not that bad 18:00:03 i already expanded wallet2 for it 18:00:13 will release it in like a week or two if i'm lucky 18:00:27 Is that merged to core? 18:01:27 @endogenic Do you have a public repo? 18:04:08 everoddandeven @everoddandeven:monero.social: and woodser: are working wallet2 support too. There's a recent pr to the release branch to fix some bugs. Unfortunately the master branch has removed LWS support in wallet2, so not sure about long term. I'm thinking of starting a new implementation if wallet2 is going away 18:56:39 sorry for the delay. i will make the repo public asap 18:57:47 no need to start a new impl 18:57:58 wallet2 almost does lws already as it is publicly right now 18:58:43 Oh, my bad 18:58:45 Hmm 18:58:59 i promise my work is sweet 18:59:02 I feel like that attack could be “easily” addressed 18:59:22 it'll be immediately PRable to wallet2 19:00:14 The reason that it's not published yet even though it's done is the fact that I am doing this work in order to launch a different project and I need to wrap up those couple last things. They really are loose ends though. I know I've been saying that for a while, but it's really true. I have put off so much of my personal life and made so many sacrifices for this .. 19:00:38 Especially since Monero’s difficulty directly scales with time 19:00:38 If an entity were to somehow push, say, an hour’s worth of blocks in a 2 minute period, that would be an obvious example of this attack 19:01:10 Although, since difficulty itself is dynamic, the effectiveness of such an attack is already limited 19:01:27 You could only ever consistently do 15 blocks at most, if you are lucky 19:01:34 haha prolly gonna end up working today due to this but i need a day off and no one waits for me 19:01:36 well 19:01:44 not that i know of anyway 20:07:29 Nice, looking forward to checking it out. 20:33:16 Is bouncy castles implementation of ed25519 public key generation consistent w/ others? I keep getting different pubkeys than what xmr.llcoins generates. 20:42:24 which lang? 20:42:29 java? 20:44:07 which lang? 21:20:41 Kotlin 21:21:30 But I think I'm using the Java libraray since it's all JVM based 21:25:14 public key is not generated in monero it is derived from private keys 21:36:26 Private key is multiplied with corresponding ed25519 basepoint to get pub key 21:36:38 derivation is same for both view and spend