01:31:04 Hey guys. 01:31:05 What approach would you recommend to a beginner who really wants to start developing apps on Monero? The only language I somewhat understand is Python. Should I start with the documentation or perhaps something simpler? What resources do you use? Which languages are best suited for developing apps/cli wallet extensions? 01:31:07 Thanks. 01:34:20 Depends you exactly want to do 01:35:39 Hi, this is more suited for #monero-community-dev. But to answer quickly, it depends on what you want to do. To make a wallet you need to learn the Wallet API. Iirc there are wrapper for at least 5 languages but i don't remember if python is up to date 07:47:35 Hi, may someone explain how ed25519 signature functionality is implemented? Specifically when signing a message (e.g "hello") 07:47:35 I haven't been able to find a robust explanation online 09:33:03 Hi, I've setup a forgejo instance to mirror monero-project repositories as well as important monero ecosystem one. I learned in #monero-website that gitlab free don't allow pulling mirrors, so I decided to open one myself. I plan on configuring Github Oauth2 for every devs to quickly log into Librejo and setup mirrors for their personal repositories. 09:33:05 You can check it out at: http://librejojyvetb6pwx3r23yigq5eeuwhhev2vm5hkfomhgdn7g4xpx3ad.onion/ 09:57:40 Hey. Our mined blocks periodically become orphaned. We can in logs that RPC submit_block was before entry "BLOCK ADDED AS ALTERNATIVE ON HEIGHT". So, if I understand correctly, we mined block before another block with this height was received. But why monero choose not ours blocks? Is it some p2p block propogation problem here? 09:57:47 https://paste.debian.net/1319097/ 10:03:40 PoW of your block is "a2978abceb2b0584293eca20f9e214ba4642c01b94c0d673978d860400" which is definitely not enough for a mainchain block. PoW for the alternative block is "d2603c4051e72d97a3b1360c2865046a3ac080ad9a417032b6fd270400000000" which is more like it (many zeroes in the end) 10:03:56 So you're mining invalid blocks 10:04:42 Check that you didn't forget to remove "--fixed-difficulty" argument for monerod command line 10:12:09 Pow of our block is "a2978abceb2b0584293eca20f9e214ba4642c01b94c0d673978d860400000000" (there is new line that split it in logs) 10:14:26 a2978abceb2b0584293eca20f9e214ba4642c01b94c0d673978d860400000000 < d2603c4051e72d97a3b1360c2865046a3ac080ad9a417032b6fd270400000000 10:28:10 Alternative block arrived 2 minutes after your block, so your block didn't propagate, or you were already mining on an alternative chain. You should check how many nodes you're connected to. It's especially important to be connected to other major pool nodes. 10:39:17 We have 31 in and 1022 out peers according to `get_info` request. 10:39:41 Yeap, this is my question why this block was not propogated :( 10:45:48 1022 out? This is too much 10:46:25 64 in/64 out is much better and will be more than enough, as long as you add other pool nodes as priority nodes 10:46:45 1022 out can also push you above default open files limit in Linux 10:51:32 I was increased limit of open files via systemd configs. 10:52:07 I have no idea how to find another pool nodes. Is it any recommendations? 10:52:47 But it is strange that we push block to 1024 nodes and network didn't accepted it. 10:57:07 supportxmr has a list of their nodes somewhere in the API 10:57:20 You shouldn't push block to 1024 nodes 10:57:47 You should push it to a few dozen nodes that matter for mining, aka pool nodes 10:58:11 And they will start mining on top of your new block immediately, and push it further to the rest of the network 10:59:31 nanopool doesn't publish their nodes at all 10:59:52 I did a research a while ago, and compiled this list (it's probably a bit outdated by now): https://paste.debian.net/hidden/27622b21/ 13:22:54 sech1: how did you collect this ips? 13:25:57 Supportxmr ones are taken directly from their API (I don't remember the URL) 13:26:42 Nanopool and Hashvault were found by observing which nodes broadcast blocks first 13:27:09 Then independently checked, like this one from nanopool: https://ipinfo.io/ - it says "xmr.worker.3.nnpl.xyz" 13:42:25 sech1: FYI: I use Monero 'Fluorine Fermi' (v0.18.3.1-release) with following config: https://paste.debian.net/plainh/f7655556 Can I ask you for review? 13:42:53 Still don't understand why part of our blocks is not propogated 13:47:24 You should update to v0.18.3.3 13:47:31 .1 had a few nasty bugs 13:48:15 you don't need more than a few dozen out-peers 13:54:15 Ok. I will make out-peers to 128. 13:54:30 Should I adjust limit-rates or it is unnecessary? 13:55:19 Any recommendations for config to increase peformance node in term of mining pool? 13:59:56 It must be running on a fast SSD and a fast internet connection 14:00:05 and connected to other pool nodes 14:00:24 and preferably run the latest release 14:22:25 sech1: Thanks for your time! 15:48:18 Is it possible to setup log-level by categories in monerod config file? 15:51:34 andrei_krx: yes 15:56:18 I didn't find proper way. Except of url -d '{"categories": "*:INFO,net.p2p.msg:WARNING,net.p2p.traffic:WARNING,blockchain.db.lmdb:WARNING"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 15:57:12 But how to setup it using config file to make it permanently 15:58:55 I think something like: "log-level: 0,foo:WARNING,bar*:DEBUG" 15:59:11 Might need the space to go. 15:59:27 Or : to be = actually. 16:39:52 Hey, I am working on a mobile self custody service that will integrate seraidex. Is it fine if I tell my devs to ask here if they have question surrounding monero integration? 16:40:01 Hey, I am working on a mobile self custody service (BiorBank) that will integrate seraidex. Is it fine if I tell my devs to ask here if they have question surrounding monero integration? 16:40:19 or is there a better channel for this? 16:50:13 Hi, be aware that most developers are working on IRC and monero.social instance and we have federation issues with matrix.org. So you'll likely never see any answer from them if you stick on matrix.org (sadly). 16:50:13 If your question concern the usage of wrapper, integrations with a software in the ecosystem, #moner-community-dev is more likely to be the place. #monero-dev is only for core related development, you can preferably ask questions here when its related to the monero node or official wallet implementation 16:51:38 so where could my devs ask questions? 16:52:00 its for wallet creation we are making multi chain wallet, and monero uses 13 words meanwhile other chains use 12 words or something 16:52:38 #monero-community-dev I think 16:54:16 recanman, are you talking about ed25519 in general or Monero specifically? 16:54:53 Normally ed25519 signing uses the EdDSA algorithm: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EdDSA 16:55:46 can I get an invite? 16:55:56 In Monero though, IIRC, we don't do this since we use ring signatures 16:58:31 Just checked its a dead chatroom 17:24:02 Goatskey: If you have questions, plenty of people can answer there. Maybe the Monero documentation is so good that few people need to ask questions ;) 17:25:20 Relayed from rucknium:monero.social: Goatskey If you have questions, plenty of people can answer there. Maybe the Monero documentation is so good that few people need to ask questions ;)