03:43:38 Hi, how do I derive public spend/view key from private spend/view key? 04:15:15 sech1: oh, right, I think I screwed up my program :) 04:15:31 just checked with zmq-cli and you are right 04:17:13 is there a way to get the target height on the pub-sub interface? 05:18:18 for which type of address? (main, subaddress) 05:22:24 jeffro256:monero.social: im not entirely sure to be honest, I'm talking about the target block height you see when running eg monerod sync_status 05:22:26 i.e: Height: 1141, target: 1617549 (0.0705388%) 05:22:46 or in the output when running monerod in a terminal: 2024-06-07 05:22:36.128I Synced 7841/1617549 (0%, 1609708 left) 05:23:08 i want to get the 1617549 figure 05:25:39 sorry was replying to @aioghaosdihfaowie 05:28:00 oh haha, that makes more sense 06:13:04 xbjfk you need to subscribe to "json-full-chain_main" or "json-minimal-chain_main" ZMQ messages to get each block 06:13:35 or "json-full-miner_data" to get current target height. You can check P2Pool's zmq_reader.cpp for reference 06:16:50 sech1: hmmm, i can't seem to find the target height in any of those (only current height) 06:17:12 I can't find any mention of "target" in zmq_reader.cpp too 06:18:32 json-full-miner_data:{"major_version":1,"height":89017,"prev_id":"ba792ca9983eb540775c0baa225404cbcd82ccfb60d265422e6597aa8d6a0957","seed_hash":"10a16659ce5026db613b7879865a8fca7a2566d9dea30df68dd03a9dc8569d8c","difficulty":"0x1aaf52c8","median_weight":20000,"already_generated_coins":1467123123053321264,"tx_backlog":[]} 06:18:45 here's an example of what I get for miner_data 06:23:57 "height" 06:24:13 you need to wait until your node is fully synced 06:29:38 oh, yeah - sorry I should've specified I want *target* height (I want to display sync progress) 06:30:11 so, presumably no way to do that via the zmq pub interface? 06:31:25 No at this moment 06:31:27 *Not 06:32:05 you could get target height via a regular RPC call and poll it periodically 06:32:42 right, thank you :) 06:35:47 https://www.getmonero.org/resources/developer-guides/daemon-rpc.html#sync_info 13:26:39 How many people are part of the core team?