13:52:43 "netstat -tuln | grep 18081" - > "tcp        0      0*               LISTEN" 13:53:28 ""p2pool --mini --host --wallet 4xxx" -> 13:53:29 " 13:53:29 Util getaddrinfo failed for Name or service not known 13:53:30 Params resolve_host failed for 13:53:30 Log stopped 13:53:31 " 13:54:18 Gentoo 6.9.3-gentoo-dist. Am I crazy or there is a problem? 14:01:51 --host 14:02:21 There is a separate parameter for port, and it defaults to 18081 14:05:54 Ma' bad. 14:05:54 "p2pool --mini --host --wallet 4xxx" -> 14:05:55 " 14:05:55 ERROR   2024-06-08 14:04:21.7036 ZMQReader failed to connect to tcp:// 14:05:56 ERROR   2024-06-08 14:04:21.7040 P2Pool Couldn't start ZMQ reader: exception Operation cannot be accomplished in current state 14:05:56 NOTICE  2024-06-08 14:04:21.7040 Log stopped 14:05:57 " 14:26:52 Ye no idea if there is actually something wrong or if I am doing something stupid. 14:27:24 monerod is running in another terminal and says 2024-06-08 13:47:37.000    I Binding on (IPv4):18081 14:27:29 https://pastebin.com/87vNr73a 14:36:14 I did some moving of the blockchain directory and upgraded to the last version of monerod so it might be something weird gong on. I'm re-syncing the blockchain and see if it fixes it. 15:11:22 Please pay attention to monerod command line parameters, you forgot to enable ZMQ. Read https://p2pool.io/mini/#help 16:19:16 https://www.getmonero.org/library/MoneroAddressesCheatsheet20201206.pdf 16:22:25 each public key is the result of the private key scalar (mod L) multiplied by the ed25519 basepoint 16:22:36 each public key is the result of the respective private key scalar (mod L) multiplied by the ed25519 basepoint 16:49:18 for main addresses at least