11:54:46 hey all, I was wondering if someone could help me out with creating a local node. I've had monerod syncing for almost 3 days, but I'm still only at 81%. I'm using a ryzen 5950x, SATA SSD and 64gb of ram, but the progress is agonizingly slow. I understand that the newer blocks contain way more transactions, but is 200 hours to sync the blockchain normal nowadays? I've tried setting 11:54:48 --block-sync-size higher (over like 50 and it just doesn't sync at all) and lower, higher max-concurrency (just in case) and some other options, yet with little success. I've looked at almost every reddit and stackexchange thread, but I just feel like I might be missing something. Apologies if this is the wrong matrix room! 11:55:35 hey all, I was wondering if someone could help me out with creating a local node. I've had monerod syncing for almost 3 days, but I'm still only at 81%. I'm using a ryzen 5950x, SATA SSD, 64gb of ram and a 500/500 ethernet connection, but the progress is agonizingly slow. I understand that the newer blocks contain way more transactions, but is 200 hours to sync the blockchain norm 11:55:36 al nowadays? I've tried setting --block-sync-size higher (over like 50 and it just doesn't sync at all) and lower, higher max-concurrency (just in case) and some other options, yet with little success. I've looked at almost every reddit and stackexchange thread, but I just feel like I might be missing something. Apologies if this is the wrong matrix room! 12:32:04 Seems slow. Try setting a known fast peer in the settings, ie. Seth's node, a cake wallet node, etc. 13:00:57 Nice, got a slight speed-up by adding some nodes from monero.fail, now averaging 200 blocks/minute. Estimated 2.3 days left! 13:08:52 plaatina123: Which version of the Monero software are you using? Also, fwiw, these kind of questions are better suited for the main #monero channel 18:57:13 only rant: why the flying f... every dependency needs to introduce it's own dependency? :@ I software developing f...s you it is 90 times out of 100 a f...ing dependency hell *arg* rant over 18:59:24 wait until you get conflicting depdencies. Likes "A requires B version >= 2.0, but C required B version < 2.0" 19:02:27 was all already there sech1 :D But it fucks me so up for some small sh*t somebody takes a dependency, and this dependency requires not next dependecy which is nevr used at all, only to then the next dependency requeires another unused dependency and now this is legacy/deprecated and you build is for the a... The crazy thing is, when something goes south and eats your time it's mostly some dependecy you don't even use :@ It is completely unsane, and I have the 19:02:29 feeling it becomes only worse 19:05:06 vthor: Wait until we start to use Rust code in the Monero codebase, for FCMP. *That* will bring in heaps and heaps of new dependencies :) 19:06:40 monero-python -> requests (probably don't need at all - at least hope it works with OfflineWallet) -> idna (what I surely don't need offline as the device is) -> tomli (what the heck is that, who would use something else then yaml or better json (how it is already build-in)?), monero-python -> ipaddress -> buildroot legacy -> huray (WTF is so difficult about four decimals with 3 dots to need a f...ing library for that?) 19:06:56 It seems that Matrix-to-IRC bridges are down 19:07:20 What you write right now does not appear on Matrix, vthor 19:07:34 rbrunner: why? I always try to avoid dependencies and even more aggressiv if it will be a lib/module 19:08:16 hehe, what is matrix :P (deeply dislike matrix - although I don't remember how it came) 19:08:37 Yeah, me also. But young people nowadays. Grew up with NodeJS, and "there is no such thing as too many dependencies" 19:09:15 Oh, we are in -dev, probably we stop to rant :) 19:10:12 :D rbrunner, what we could put into the mix 19:11:40 I needed that I wasted now already 48h with it and it seems not to stop, then comes additional an insane person in front of the house to play "music" which is like being in a discotheque although I have over ears with NC and 90% volume, I live in the wrong world :D 19:12:46 ah, in -dev, should be silence? sorry. Thought only, only in dev someone can understand the rant and frustration, will keep silence now, then. 19:15:53 -dev is a little more strict in the attempt to stay on topic than other channels, yeah. But well, not that we currently disturb many discussions :) 21:22:42 seems like good banter for #monero-community-dev, potentially