18:21:20 hi 18:21:51 Are there any resources containing the actual math used in Monero? 18:22:26 The most optimal resource would be a Python script showing how various cryptographic primitives work. 18:23:41 If there is anyone who really knows the math, please let me know. I am looking at the src on github, but all the c/c++ code heavily obfuscates what is going on. 18:24:53 Guest56: This may be enough: https://web.getmonero.org/library/Zero-to-Monero-2-0-0.pdf 18:26:05 m-relay that looks like a good start! 18:28:11 I read there was a critical bug which also was present in CryptoNote and various other CT based coins, allowing double spending. IIRC the exploit relied on changing the preimage of a transaction in a certain way that would allow up to 8 double spends, again this is fixed by now, but I wondered why it would allow 8 double spends, not more or less. 18:28:59 The bug maybe has the name: "invariant failure" or "burn bug" 18:30:51 Burn bug is different from double spending AFAIK. Here's the patched double spend vulnerability: https://www.getmonero.org/2017/05/17/disclosure-of-a-major-bug-in-cryptonote-based-currencies.html 18:34:19 Thanks. 18:34:31 Who is the author of getmonero.org? 18:35:25 Probably maintained by the developer of Monero? 18:35:51 I assume: Nicolas van Saberhagen 18:36:30 getmonero.org is maintained by the Monero Core Team. It's the most official website 18:36:46 No, not maintained by him 18:37:22 For more questions like this, you can ask in #monero 18:41:27 m-relay thanks again 18:47:59 Nicolas van Saberhagen is (one of) the presumed author of cryptonote, from which monero forked. He was never involved in monero AFAIK. 18:48:37 I think he was involved in bytecoin, the first currency that got created from cryptonote. 18:49:15 moneromooo: any opinion on who should be the next website maintainer 18:49:28 there are a few proposals up 18:49:35 Not Nicolas van Saberhagen. 18:49:40 (: 18:49:42 Not me. 18:49:55 Diego? 18:49:56 That's about the size of it. 18:50:03 Is that... rehrar ? 18:50:13 yes. The other candidate is monerobull 18:50:29 I have no particular opinion on these two. 18:50:35 and rottenwheel if we count the trolls 18:50:35 ok 18:50:48 moneromooo thanks, AFAIK the Github of CryptoNote was forked from Bytecoin which then moved to another Github https://github.com/bcndev/bytecoin 18:50:54 thank you 18:51:00 Not rottenwheel. Too hard to guess the likelihood of malice. 18:51:29 geonic calling someone troll. Another one that needs a mirror! 18:51:30 IDK if CryptoNote is maintained anymore and if bytecoin is useful. 18:52:31 AFAIK bytecoin is not useful, it was a scam. Cryptonote evolved a "easily fork your own bytecoin clone" tool, which made it sonewhat popular. 18:52:51 your own cryponote clone, I mean. 18:53:18 CN did get a fair amount of updates after monero forked from it. 18:53:54 Hm, so CryptoNote should also allow me to fork my own coin, right? 18:54:17 In any case, I believe monero to be *far* more advanced that cryptonote now, so I don't think CN is useful unless you wnat to tinker/learn. 18:54:21 Yes. 18:54:37 Only to learn. 18:54:56 Then CN is the best one to use, it's simpler, only basic ring sigs. 18:55:04 Obviously Monero is way advanced with all the resouces 10 years later lol. 18:55:40 I'll fork CN and look at the code. 18:57:17 Are there resources on how to build CN and test things like signing a transaction? 18:59:26 *taps room banner* 19:00:47 I know, I know, it was worth a try though. 20:35:59 How do stealth keys technically work? 20:36:25 Good question for #monero room 20:36:43 ... Is this not for devs? 20:36:57 Can someone define what is suitable for devs? 20:37:33 I am asking about Ed25519 scheme here, not the fundamentals... 20:38:35 this room is for development, not general information 20:42:25 element noob here. How does one join the #monero room. 20:47:03 I don't know if this works but can you click on " #monero "? 20:49:55 starlingfarchecker: Search for monero in the monero.social matrix server or click this: #monero:monero.social 21:00:20 Thank you 😊