00:05:23 hidapi stuff is only needed for trezor support, you can turn all of that off 00:25:51 -DNOTREZOR? 00:27:19 for what needs wallet-rpc trezor support? I have not seen any endpoint for that :S 00:30:52 I found also something in the source: https://github.com/monero-project/monero/blob/master/CMakeLists.txt#L1065, so how to do it, do I need to `s/-static-libgcc -static-libstdc++/-static/` in the next line? 00:31:24 and can I build then without clean to get the output I desire? 03:22:27 Hey everyone! 04:10:21 Hi 04:51:09 Hi Monero research team, I have been following the monero project for quite some while and I have a basic knowledge of cryptography. 04:51:09 I am a computer scientist (research in the field of deep learning) and software engineer by profession (full stack, with the bulk of my skills lying the backend). 04:51:10 I would love to contribute! Any pointers? 04:57:22 (void*)0 05:01:37 ;) 05:02:20 What interests you? If you're into deep learning, it could be fun to see if you can top the results in https://ar5iv.labs.arxiv.org/html/2001.03937 or https://github.com/MAGICGrants/Monero-Fund/issues/15 05:04:06 `monerod` can always use backend performance work 05:04:54 You might find it interesting to help out the stressnet project #monero-stressnet:monero.social to get a functional taste of how well `monerod` works under heavy loads to start looking for ways to improve 05:09:23 There's a ton of backend performance PRs that need reviewing: https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/9135 , https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/9404 , https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/9181 , https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/8867 , etc 05:09:59 Since you're full stack, there's a p2p end-to-end encryption PR that needs reviewing: https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/8996 05:12:47 Honestly if you're stuck not knowing what to do, just jump into the open PRs page and get your eyes dirty looking through the codebase and add your input to the discussion 05:13:08 We need more eyes reviewing (which I'm guilty of) 05:16:29 jeffro256: Thank you so much! I am looking into all the stuff you just sent!