05:36:27 Is Judecoin developed by the Monero core team? 05:36:29 Judecoin claims to be developed by the Monero core team 05:37:14 Is Judecoin developed by the Monero core team? 05:37:19 Judecoin claims to be developed by the Monero core team 05:48:19 It's forked from the Monero codebase, but AFAIK no core members actively work on it (I could be mistaken) 05:48:51 Where is the claim that Monero core develops on it? 05:49:59 That might be a violation of the conditions of the Monero license 05:51:18 There are nearly 100 Monero developers working on judecoin. But is it really the case? 05:53:57 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/gYiFAhGoDDHYGHuKtNMYumuL 05:53:57 No, they just forked the Monero codebase, which is why Github shows those contributions, as it shares Monero's commit history 06:03:38 Judecoin attempts to claim that it was developed by the Monroe core team, while piracy attempts to prove that it is genuine 06:03:51 😂 06:03:58 Judecoin attempts to claim that it was developed by the Monroe core team, while piracy attempts to prove that it is genuine😂 06:17:49 Suggest issuing a debunking announcement to prevent scammers from tarnishing the reputation of Monero 06:50:33 anddn stop spamming dev 14:27:54 Quick question regarding check_reserve_proof: Is the restore height relevant when checking a proof? Is it possible to validate a reserve 14:28:32 proof even if my wallet is not synced up to the height of the outputs of the wallet the funds are proven of? 14:43:42 According to "zero to monero" reserve proofs work by checking if the key images in the proof have appeared in the blockchain before. I assume this is done by sending a request to the daemon (is_key_image_spent) to check if the key has been spent. Therefore you should be able to validate a reserve proof even if you aren't only synced up to the latest block. But you are trusting a third party if you are using a remote daem