17:29:00 xmrig's impl is only a couple percent faster here and there, on specific CPU models 17:29:10 there are no massive gains to be had anywhere 17:29:37 implementing RandomX in rust is kind of pointless, unless you're just looking for an exercise to learn rust. 17:45:39 Sorry, why is another implementation of a hash function pointless? 17:47:56 Is the comment it's likely going to have suboptimal performance due to the above miner conversation, and isn't an inefficient use of time? 17:48:34 Like, 'it's pointless to redo RandomX just to do a miner'? 17:50:09 the source language is largely irrelevant since RandomX is its own virtual machine 17:50:34 my comment is it's pointless to do it *in rust* 17:51:28 but yes, it would mainly be a waste of time to do it *at all* 17:52:52 the only rewrite worth doing is in C, which will gain a couple percent here and there and reduce code size a bit here and there. 17:53:19 but the overall gain is tiny. I got most of the way through and realized that it was way past diminishing returns already. 17:53:51 the only other reason to finish the C rewrite is to eliminate the dependency bloat of the C++ runtime library 17:54:39 a consideration that doesn't even matter here since the main projects are all in C++ and paying that cost already 18:20:28 What IDE do you (alls o yous) recommend for Monero dev work, please? I'm using Android Studio for other work projects but it isn't well-sutied for C++. I use VS Code from time to time and emacs here and there, but find myself editing in plain text more than is probably useful because AS is a RAM hog and maybe I just haven't invested enough time into VS Code or VS in general to be comforable w it 18:20:29 please share any IDE recommendations, gurus 🙏 18:27:09 vim + shell ... 18:57:40 I use VS Code and I am quite happy with it. Tons of extensions around if the base editor lacks something you would like to have. I find it a bit ironic that out of all possible organisations, communities and similar it was Microsoft to write *the* open source IDE for Linux ...