09:21:50 To anyone interested in helping to get our build system ready for FCMP++: please consider running builds for #8929 and posting the results. It only takes a minute to set up on any Linux distribution. Follow the short instructions under 'How to test?' here: https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/8929. Reviews are also very welcome. 09:23:39 Trying it now 09:24:20 Ubuntu 20.04 "E: Unable to locate package guix" 09:24:42 sech1: use the installer script (or a more recent version of ubuntu) 09:24:51 https://guix.gnu.org/manual/en/html_node/Binary-Installation.html 09:25:20 That's one of my Hetzner servers, I have some stuff running on it and won't be able to reboot it anytime soon 09:25:32 ok, I'll try the script 09:28:10 btw Ubuntu 20.04 is not end of life yet, guix should have prepared a package for it... 09:32:11 okay, it's running 09:32:41 sech1: nice ty, please report any issues if there are any 09:33:06 It's 5950X with 128GB RAM, so it should be fast, right? 09:33:12 I'm running it with JOBS=32 09:33:32 <3​21bob321:monero.social> https://ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle EOL April, 2027 09:34:03 20.04 EOL April 2025 09:35:32 <3​21bob321:monero.social> sorry yeah 09:36:33 sech1: I have similar specs, first run will take around 3-5 hours probably. Subsequent runs are much faster due to caching. 09:37:10 ok, but I also have a background (nice=39) process on all cores, so it can take longer... 09:37:57 ya, no hurry. 14:44:32 I added a short Q&A section to #8929. 14:55:04 tobtoht you got a dm on matrix 15:45:46 tobtoht_ build finished without issues 15:47:36 thanks sech1! 15:56:25 sech1: excellent, hashes match, tysm 16:07:12 tobtoht_: https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/8929#issuecomment-2325040461