15:23:05 https://banmonero.com/ 15:23:06 https://stacker.news/items/634963 15:23:08 https://github.com/supertestnet/examiner 15:32:11 If I follow this logic, should I get rid of my kitches knifes to avoid a potential crime? :-D Channel owners, sorry for getting involved into this. 15:36:20 is this site a meme? 15:41:26 The message was deleted and conversation moved to community or monero. Thanms 17:43:30 for monero gui in the readme is written Qt 5.9.7, still true, or better take 5.9.9? 17:47:31 sorry, forgot to mention for development, to integrate UR for offline signing 17:55:04 heck, thought I'm in monero-gui, never mind 21:58:19 youre adding UR to GUI?! 22:02:07 kayabanerve jberman do you have an idea of how the sizes of unsigned/signed tx payloads will change with FCMP++? 22:04:25 i know seraphis drops the need to sync outputs & key images for offline txs, are they still needed with FCMPs? 23:35:59 Unsigned TXs... should be a bit smaller? I think? The unsigned TX from hot to cold doesn't need the decoy information, and the returned signature should be smaller than a CLSAG. 23:36:12 The full TX will be larger, probably by a couple kB. 23:36:51 FCMP++ enables view-only wallets to calculate key images for *newly generated addresses*. I don't believe we're doing that degree of wallet code at launch. 23:37:09 So theoretically, yet probably not practically. 23:38:44 r​4v3r23: yes I'm on it 23:53:01 im asking in the context of how big the actual payloads will be to pass them by UR. current ones are already relatively big 23:54:02 will that involve any UR-related changes to actual monero codebase?