00:00:54 well IMO UR for key images shoud be changed to get the cn_slow_hash out of the equation... 00:06:46 why? 00:11:29 after I decided to go with wallet rpc I figured out that wallet rpc gives you the raw key images, but in UR it is basically the file cli creates (which is encrypted with a key generated from the secret view key, and in the generation of the key is used cn_slow_hash a.k.a CryptoNight, IMO you don't wan't import CN into you offline signing code only to generate a key, much less in a device with even less power then a pi zero - but IMO this should 00:11:31 be not unnecessarly made more difficult...) 00:13:10 So, a argon2 instead of CN should IMO more then suficient. 00:16:28 but a lot easier to implement, keep it portable and reuse it, like for polyseed it is needed. Don't nail me by the argon2, I mean simply something what has not the consequences CN has, an best would be something else which is anyway mandatory used and suficient to reuse. 00:17:38 And I don't mean that I will change it now, but I think we all should change it soon to not make everybody to over and over again shoot in the foot in the future. 00:22:03 I don't know what wallet2 does so I can't comment on how its formats will be affected. 00:31:59 hola. trying to find the range proof parameter governing max commitment amount in the latest release, does anyone know off the top of their head where i can find that/ 00:33:25 and another thing is that the magic is redundant with the UR type, so get's transmitted for nothing 00:34:40 ztm says 2^64 - 1 but i want to see it in the code :P 00:34:43 kayabanerve ^ 00:35:22 consts M, N, MN 00:35:57 Which is 64, 16, 64*16 respectively. I don't know what file they're in but searching for "MN" should pull it up. 00:36:07 got it tyty 08:32:01 dns records have been updated with v0.18.3.4 for auto-update 13:05:24 How expensive is generating a reserve proof? Are there any limitations on which kind of wallet can generate one?