01:21:33 How do I statically compile monero? "make release-static" still has dynamically linked libs 03:05:03 > Dependencies need to be built with -fPIC. Static libraries usually aren't, so you may have to build them yourself with -fPIC. Refer to their documentation for how to build them. 03:07:11 Just a guess. Idk the answer to your question 08:10:55 You might check out existing work in flutter_libmonero. I like how MrCyjaneK’s monero_c handles it now, which is what both Cake Wallet and Stack Wallet’s flutter_libmonero use to build a static monero. Prior to monero_c we did things differently which may provide insight into alternative methods if monero_c isn’t a good example. Stack supported more platforms using the sa 08:10:56 me statically-compiled monero by using some hefty scripts tailored to each os, I can link that older (but still working) code if the current state isn’t helpful 08:12:17 We basically would and still do build a series of static libs covering all of monero’s deps. We also had a great bounty submission once that mostly used monero’s own contrib system which is probably ultimately best and most well-supported 08:14:40 If you want old flutter_libmonero links because neither contrib nor monero_c elucidate the issue, I can spit them out 08:14:40 But I’d probably base a modern rework of our (Stack’s) old static compilation process on contrib as much as possible 08:14:58 If you want old flutter_libmonero links because neither contrib nor monero_c elucidate the issue, I can spit them out 08:14:58 But I’d probably base a modern rework of our (Stack’s) old static compilation process upon contrib as much as possible 11:48:00 so I should build every dependency statically then compile linking static libs? 14:06:38 That’s what we do 16:28:27 Okay, after statically compiling all deps is there a change in the command or is make release-static enough? 18:27:54 make release-static will build a dynamic binary, despite the name. It just links statically what it can. 18:28:10 Static binaries are seldom used nowadays. 18:28:46 You will need to monkey with CMakeLists.txt to pass -static to gcc, and possibly some other stuff. 18:29:01 cmake might have ready made functions to set that up, might want to check. 20:33:25 it's "set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} -static")" plus all the dependencies must be statically compiled 20:34:02 and it doesn't work well with glibc, but it works with musl (Alpine Linux must be used for compilation) 20:34:25 But it's much easier to compile everything but glibc statically 20:34:55 then you only need to care about glibc version that your binary requires