17:04:31 Is there anything substantial revealed when providing a reserve proof? 17:05:35 I guess what I'm asking is how much does that expose tx details and anonymity. 18:02:26 Looks like key images will be go into a reserve proof, and so it seems you do give away the outputs you hold: https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/9991/how-does-the-get-reserve-proof-command-work 18:06:42 I see. Thanks rbrunner 18:08:40 So really not too bad... since Monero creates new outputs when outputs are spent. 19:15:03 have ever anybody run out of monero/build: `cmake .. && make doc` (already running >35h) instead of `HAVE_DOT=YES doxygen Doxyfile` (was pretty quick). I have seen that it generates also docs for all the dependencies and wonder if i is worth to let it run, and how long it will take. I run with `-j 12` but from what I have seen doxygen runs on a single thread.