01:24:44 Dennis Louis Babcock jr Statoshinakomoto hello world I’m back mn 01:25:07 Any old school members 01:25:26 ec you from 90s 01:25:33 ? 03:29:08 Hi guys hope we see Monero GUI integration for Keystone HW wallet 03:29:27 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/pTzRcGoFoZGKtVHEVuoqMkgQ 03:29:33 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/DmlrmvzmirvJjLipRmXWtCHu 03:29:58 I have shared this room with keystone wallet core dev for any questions on their end 12:16:04 woof. I do not care for this. Cake seems super self serving since they expanded their wallet into shitcoins 12:17:14 Cake downfall arc have begin 17:12:33 Hey guys, i'm trying to build a rust wrapper around the monero codebase but I'm getting a linker error: https://paste.debian.net/1346320/. I'm on mac and ran `make release-static`. 17:12:47 Is that an issue with my boost installation? 17:12:54 ah rust wrapper? 17:12:57 around the monero codebase? 17:13:02 which part of the monero codebase? 17:13:27 oh wallet 17:13:44 Just wallet2_api. I'm working on UnstoppableSwap with binarybaron and to support mobile we can't spawn monero wallet rpc. 17:13:45 weird i don't know 17:17:22 I had some problems installing a compatible libboost version but i did manage to get that working in the end. The symbols look like they could be from boost though, so it's the obvious suspect 17:17:54 Linker errors are about nghttp2 functions now found, so you need to link with nghttp2 library 17:22:04 I did install nghttp2 and libhttp2 using brew 17:23:32 Should I specify the lib's path? If so, how? 17:25:50 You need to add it to CMakeLists.txt 17:26:03 "EXTRA_LIBRARIES" list is probably the best place 17:26:48 just add nghttp2 or libnghttp2 to the list (whichever works) 17:30:37 At this part `elseif(APPLE OR OPENBSD OR ANDROID)`? Or at `if (HIDAPI_FOUND OR LibUSB_COMPILE_TEST_PASSED)`? 17:36:36 now the linker complains that the library couldn't be found... Is there a way to build just the wallet2_api and skip the binaries like wallet-rpc and stuff? 17:37:53 yes, but I don't remember how exactly 17:38:04 there are many CMakeLists files in subfolders, you can try to use them instead 18:20:13 I'm trying to build just src/wallet/api/CMakeLists.txt now, but it needs the utility make commands. How can I make sure that `include (${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/libutils.cmake)` points to /cmake/libutils.cmake? cuz when I execute src/wallet/api/CMakeLists the PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR is set to src/wallet/api... Just appending ../../../.. didn't 18:20:13 work either 18:28:40 <0​xfffc:monero.social> einliterflasche, what you are trying to achieve? (keep it simple please). I might be able to help . 18:29:29 This really sounds like an LLM prompt 18:29:41 (ignore me) 18:39:10 e​inliterflasche: if you want to just build libwallet, run the command `mkdir -p build/libwallet; cd build/libwallet; cmake ../..; make -j${nproc} wallet_api` from the root dir and the libraries will be in the lib dir inside the build dir 18:39:36 The libraries are files `libwallet.a` and `libwallet_api.a` 18:45:42 Thank you so much 19:24:23 .merge+ 9460 9459 19:24:23 Added 19:24:38 .merges 19:24:38 -xmr-pr- 9459 9460 9523 9643 9666 9680 9688 9689 9691 9692 19:25:07 .merge+ 9693 9694 19:25:07 ... 19:43:23 Jeffro is an LLM, remember? 23:01:49 Seth brought up a good point on a recent podcast. When FCMP++ is released and sender privacy is solved for the most part would we finally feel comfortable bumping the version to 1.0?