16:56:12 .merges 16:56:12 -xmr-pr- 9456 9467 9538 9666 9671 9706 9708 9711 16:56:48 .merge+ 9739 9729 9728 9727 9726 9725 9724 9713 9681 9675 16:56:48 Added 16:57:24 .merge+ 9654 16:57:24 ... 20:07:39 Has anyone attempted to make a private testnet using multiple devices? If so, it should be possible to have a wallet running on one device connect to a private testnet daemon on another device, right? 20:08:22 I’m trying to make a private testnet with two devices to test out some networking bugs 20:09:38 Run with "--testnet --offline --fixed-difficulty 1000" if you don't want other testned nodes to interfere, and diff 1000 to mine new blocks easily 20:09:43 *Run monerod 20:15:16 I’ve gotten the testnet running, and I can connect a wallet to the node running on the same device. However, I can’t get the wallet to connect to the node on the other device (which is what I actually want to do) 20:16:24 I’m not sure if it is something to do with the flags I had to set to make sure the nodes didn’t randomly start connecting to the actual testnet, but it seems like the nodes aren’t accessible on my local network 20:22:33 It just seems like a difficult task, because the network simultaneously has to restrict access to the nodes so that the main testnet doesn’t interact with them, but the nodes still need to be able to interact with each other and with clients 20:22:44 If only I had a faraday cage lol 21:02:45 These are the flags: -testnet -no-igd -hide-my-port [p2p/rpc binding info, data dir, add exclusive nodes] —fixed-difficulty 50 21:03:17 My guess is that one of those is the problem 22:00:15 By default, monerod binds RPC port only to localhost. You need to use --rpc-bind-ip and --confirm-external-bind options.