11:44:49 does anyone know how to build my own coin using Monero's source code? 16:15:11 Read the room description 16:31:28 "No fork help. You're on your own" 17:16:10 i've always wondered why people who can't fork on their own think they're equipped to be the lead dev of a new coin lmao 17:17:12 No, no, you misunderstand. Not lead dev. Lead profit taker. 19:14:17 😂 21:11:13 Quick status update/rant on my I2P work: I now have my mini private testnet working perfectly, and can now send tXMR from my laptop to my desktop and back via I2P 🎉 The only thing left on that front is setting up a node that is fully isolated from clearnet and only connects to the network via I2P for everything. I think I’m finally nearing the end of my work on it. But I must 21:11:14 say….when I am completely finished I’m probably going to try to make a PR to add a proper “customnet” mode so that you don’t have to hijack the testnet node and then screw around with networking trying to isolate the nodes from the rest of the testnet network (good thing none of the people on my IP need to use the actual testnet anytime soon lol). The current system wor 21:11:16 ks fine when you are running on a single device. It gets a lot worse when you add a second device on the same local network. I don’t even want to think about what I’d have to do to make it work across networks 21:20:11 just add a hardfork .. 21:20:30 Github.com/spackle-xmr/monero for an example 21:22:01 Are you saying you enabled i2p blockchain sync? 21:22:41 That’s the final step for my private testnet; I think I may get it figured out by tonight 21:23:23 It won’t be all that useful because….well you know why 😂 but I still want to see it working 21:25:57 I also probably need to dive into the actual daemon code and see what is going on with anon inbound and tx-proxy in my setup because enabling anon inbound prevented an external wallet from accessing the daemon (disabling it allowed the eepsite to be accessible) and tx-proxy prevented it from sending transactions (it’s really the first one that confuses me; the 2nd one is a resul 21:25:58 t of only having a single I2P node in the testnet) 21:26:54 Tx proxy requires connecting to an node that is running anonymous-inbound 21:27:14 Hmm 21:27:16 Anonymous-inbound has nothing 2 do with wallets 21:28:35 I’m still not sure on why it basically blocked the wallet from accessing it 21:30:22 My only guess is that since anon-inbound used the same b32 as the entire node that it blocked or interfered with the port? But that doesn’t make sense to me, and also goes against the new docs on running an I2P node 21:30:37 "as the entire node" ? 21:31:22 IE the anon-inbound b32 site is the same site as the wallet uses to connect 21:31:46 Which again, *doesn’t make sense to me*, but I can’t think of anything else that might’ve done it 21:32:22 IE the anon-inbound b32 URL* is the same URL\* as the wallet uses to connect 21:33:00 Thats fine. Did you follow the docs exactly, or did you modify the tunnel conf? 21:35:22 I followed it as closely as possible, with some changes to ports (which I quadruple checked) and some equivalent changes to make it work with the Java I2P client instead of i2pd (because i2pd is easier for this use case, and I wanted to make sure that whatever setup I used would still work with the official client) 21:35:49 And ofc after things didn’t work properly I changed parts to get it working 21:36:04 User error 21:36:40 Instead of "it didnt work" post the tunnel conf on www.zerobin.net so i can see what ya broke 21:36:56 Let me get it rq 21:47:27 https://zerobin.net/?58a65135f4b21ea5#mZ3Om43+eSj4aJwpoWKsfbrrh0vW85EN98Xb6mgwCYA= 21:47:44 Sorry about the wait; had a minor interruption while getting it 21:48:34 Also as mentioned earlier, I am using the Java I2P, so there will be config differences between mine and the one on the docs 22:00:33 Wheres rpc?