01:16:23 Question about the gui’s simple mode—does it select the node to choose purely from the DNS/hardcoded lists? 01:23:20 Hmm it looks like the entire build system is borked atm 01:25:15 No 01:25:46 It selects from peers who have public-node flag enabled 03:57:09 Just wanted to bring this to your attention. Not sure if it's true or not. Or if true, if it's already known: 03:57:10 "Monero Zero-day vulnerability and exploit 03:57:12 Take down the XMR network with us, make the future a better a place. 03:57:14 Save, share, use. 03:57:16 https://anonpaste.org/?cccb7639afbd0650#HaMQAfzFdCqMDh9MwNuGRGUBXLgtk5yHWdAzS7MbvEVN" 03:57:18 https://njump.me/nevent1qvzqqqqqqypzprmgmlvutkcw63chu6r84lhc2mqnkkkt6gtffas0gle047d4mh5cqy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnyv9kh2uewd9hj7qgwwaehxw309ahx7uewd3hkctcqyps2alwg50qm5chprph58sysm8x7gydhgap5k6c4cdskyhv760nuwdpuhe0 04:22:20 Old news 05:30:53 Was there a fix? Or is it just not that big of a deal as they make it seem? 06:41:30 They discovered it because of the fix 06:50:01 Compiling and running the latest commits on master branch or release-v0.18 will mitigate the attack 13:01:23 Is there a release date for v0.18.4? 13:02:46 probably very soon 13:04:55 Soon, there is only one item left on the checklist 13:06:39 yes, i would like vtnerd to give a final approval before we merge it, afterwards we can tag v0.18.4.0 13:09:22 Is this related to the exploit? 13:10:19 seems like it elongated 13:29:59 no, not related to the exploit. that has already been merged. 15:04:41 Yes I've been working on that review, just takes me a while to go through it all again 15:30:32 Is there a roadmap posted somewhere? 15:30:55 https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/9758 16:10:38 What usability difference does marking a node as non trusted in GUI have? 16:11:38 None, this will just avoid making use of RPC calls that may decrease your privacy, also this question is better suited for #monero:monero.social 16:19:19 also uses more data before initial sync 16:19:51 (so it slows down onion/i2p considerably) 20:38:13 .merge+ 9787 9788 9797 9784 20:38:13 Added