00:19:48 Anything blocking merge of #9135 ? 00:20:27 The test failure 00:21:15 https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/9135#issuecomment-2670464658 00:21:34 > The failing functional test is a problem with the commit (it replicates old, broken patterns in new places), rather than an old merge base, see comments here: #9740. 00:22:21 j-berman also did a review and made some good requests for changes 04:31:22 preland: the miniupnpc issue got fixed: https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/9685 04:32:10 Lyza: ooo nice 06:08:05 hello, do you advice to run monero node and webapp+wallet-cli on different servers ? 06:09:07 Hello, would you recommend running a Monero node and a web application with wallet-cli on separate servers? 06:10:27 Monero 09:45:05 -xmr-pr- taivlam opened pull request #9810: readme: Fix subsection fragment, remove outdated Debian info 09:45:05 -xmr-pr- > https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/9810 10:01:39 hi,anyone here ? 10:02:22 Maybe 10:02:35 For dev questions 10:11:34 I'am a newer to monero,i just want a good xmr mine pool.any ideas ? 10:18:55 Ask in #monero or #monero-community! 16:39:00 Hi guys. I have a linker error. it seems libpqm dir is not being added to target linker directories once the libzqm target is run. https://paste.debian.net/1353569/ 16:54:37 NorrinRadd: which OS are you using 17:14:19 linux x86_64 17:14:26 selsta: 17:14:45 yes but which distro 17:14:55 ubuntu 20.04 17:15:08 what command did you enter to build? 17:15:24 make release-static 17:15:45 yeah nothing special 17:16:26 building HEAD of master 17:17:16 both libzmq and libpqm are installed 17:17:21 the dev packages 17:17:51 libpgm-dev and libgss-dev? 17:19:37 ah apple build is running right now. i'll check gss once it finishes 17:19:42 a/ah/an 17:19:47 s/ah/an 17:20:17 try to delete the build folder, and run the build again. Then grep the cmake output for "pgm" and/or "gss" 17:20:24 maybe you got some errors in the cmake step 17:35:32 Hey. I would like to submit a CCS proposal for part-time maintenance & further development of Monfluo (a fork of Mysu, Android wallet: https://codeberg.org/acx/monfluo), but seeing that the latest "wallet proposal" (for Unstoppable Wallet) was rejected I want to ask here beforehand if such a proposal would have a chance (just testing the waters here, obviously I am not expecting a ny sort of confirmation that a proposal would be accepted)? There was a lot of criticism for that proposal which (hopefully) would not be applicable here, but one of the points was that it would be a "yet another wallet" and I am wondering whether it would also be the case here? Monfluo is explicitly non-commercial (no in-app swapping, no converting to other cryptos, no fiat on/of f-ramps, so I make no money from that, and such simplicity is the core idea behind the wallet), if that makes a difference. Any opinions on that? 17:36:51 a​non_contributor_xmr: #monero-community might be a better place to ask about CCS proposals 17:37:36 NorrinRadd: `make depends` is preferred for static builds 17:37:46 https://github.com/monero-project/monero/?tab=readme-ov-file#cross-compiling 17:37:55 thanks, I will repost my message there in that case :) 18:18:42 selsta: yup i'm using depends 18:22:01 actually didn't use depends on that run. will look into it. gss wasn't installe... however i don't see it mentioned in the README... 18:22:31 i installed libunbound from source due to an issue I had, and maybe that's how it got uninstalled. 18:23:53 libunbound from apt wasn't able to link against some nettle symbols and installing from source fixed that. but now i see installed gss manually installed a nettle package. 18:41:07 `make release-static` is not really supported, we kept it because some people are using it but we don't have CI builds for it and it's not recommended 18:41:38 so there were no pgm or gss errors in the log, but i did see gss nor pgm were mentioned in build/release/src/daemon/CMakeFiles/daemon.dir/link.txt. installed libgss and still get the same build error (undefined references to pgm and gss symbols). uninstalled my build of libunbound, then reistalled libgss and libunbound, and not i'm back to the undefined references to nettle symbols. 18:42:16 ok, i'll abandom make release-static 18:42:22 will try it all with depends 18:43:13 s/and\ not/and\ now/