18:44:56 vtnerd: any idea about the woodser report of transaction issue with https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/9765 18:45:45 while this touches abstract_tcp_server, it should not impact P2P at all if I understand it correctly, only RPC 18:45:53 Looking at this afternoon, got no ideas so far, other than silently hoping it's another wait timer issue 18:46:23 I'll contact woodser again so I can try the test environment locally, so far I've only looked at the test file 18:46:31 ty 18:46:40 I realize this is holding up release, so this is high priority 18:47:00 There is another PR holding up release fwiw 18:47:20 Given that we have a test for tx propagation, I'm a little unsure what the issue could be 18:47:26 Ah, don't feel so bad then 19:47:26 Hello i am trying to create transaction for a monero light weight wallet using monero cpp code without synchronising the wallet because (it takes too long), i get all the data from lightweight wallet like random outs etc. and i have seen in code that there are if statements checking if the wallet is lightweight, can i open the lightweight wallet in 19:47:27 monero-cpp code (i am now using wallet->load(wallet_path, pass) but it has to sync because its the normal wallet type). Okay so the main question is based on that if statements can i create a transaction with create_transactions_2 function with the lightweight wallet instance that is synced but on, in this case  on monero-lws 19:47:27 (https://github.com/vtnerd/monero-lws) or can someone please help me with functions used to operate light wallets 19:47:32 thanks in advance to anyone 20:34:13 monero-cpp doesn't support light wallets at all currently, but there's a pr open from everoddandeven to add a light wallet client which connects to monero-lws: https://github.com/woodser/monero-cpp/pull/73 20:34:45 and it needs testing 20:40:05 thanks, will check it out 20:40:30 wait, does it have the transaction creation? 20:40:56 because it looks to me that it just has connection to the lws api and nothing else 21:51:53 i have code for that. i will release it for free.. 21:52:47 working on the last pieces of documentation and so on. been asked to deal with some pretty difficult things lately so sorry 21:53:53 Lws doesn’t create tx 21:54:12 it has its own endpoints however 21:54:22 i made the first lws client lib for the public lol 21:54:50 and helped sponsor the open source monero lws project… bc i ran mymonero for 4 years ;)