00:57:32 blast from the past 03:56:32 ok, on xmrchain.net, we have debug monerod running with gdb in screen sessions for mainnet and testnet. no more systemd to keep things up. if xmrchain.net crashes then somethings borkt 03:56:59 but whatever i had running before, which i think was master with 9135 pulled in, was up for 12 days 03:57:19 but now its definitely release with 9740 in. 12:15:40 hlo 17:02:38 Where is the documentation to run my own node 17:03:01 getmonero.org milas900 17:04:16 also google boog900 banlist 17:07:52 google en passant 17:15:23 wrong room, but `./monerod`