18:42:01 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/471 18:46:28 https://matrix.to/#/!WzzKmkfUkXPHFERgvm:matrix.org/$jir_1M0zniy1lO8jLgofHe-F7QlRpFXBBQjjwD5GvN8?via=xmr.mx&via=matrix.org&via=monero.social 18:47:15 can't open on irc. screenshot or paste please? 18:54:31 you've read it, its a message on the community room. Dont want to spread discussions in a dozen places, thats why I posted a link 18:55:20 what's the message? 19:01:15 "Lmao this is funny" 19:02:03 :) 19:03:08 he's agreed to do it if there's sufficient community support