17:54:46 https://x.com/DavidShares/status/1824186956357472324 17:55:16 could apply to defcon I guess? 19:42:03 There are a nontrivial number of people at CCC (both attendees and organizers) who aren't fans of cryptocurrency, but that hasn't resulted in them trying to ban Monero and Namecoin from participating, because the CCC community actually *shock* values diversity of viewpoints. 19:42:39 I am admittedly not surprised that DEF CON is worse than CCC on this metric 19:44:52 (I don't *think* anyone tried to ban Bitcoin from CCC participation either, but I haven't kept a close eye on that one.) 22:34:19 The fact that they are so far removed from how they would even use it let's me know how far removed from the world they emulate they are 22:35:53 I mean, even if I had a use case for something, I'd still be hesitant to touch it if 99% of the field were scams and I didn't have the skill set to evaluate which 1% was a non-scam. 22:36:39 Now, granted, I *do* have the skill set to identify which cryptocurrency projects are likely scams, but that's a pretty specialized skill set, certainly more specialized than hacking in general. 22:38:05 It also probably doesn't help that a large fraction of the scam projects have hijacked major environmentalist organizations (most hackers are environmentalists) and are making those orgs churn out propaganda against the non-scam projects. 22:39:07 Anyway, not defending this attitude, just observing some factors that probably contribute to it