00:30:30 The CFP for this was announced on r/Monero 3 days ago and the CFP expired like 2 days ago. 00:31:29 While many of the potential speakers were busy at MoneroTopia 02:02:57 Still this is likely just an unfortunate coincidence due to how the CCC has to operate in order to prevent a flood of proposals. 02:03:28 Good to know for next year 02:25:27 a​rticmine the monerokon discussion now happens on the channel #monerokon bridged to the matrix channel of the same name 02:25:36 yes, another channel lol 02:51:52 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Multi channel 04:34:09 how do we know this is the real articmine 04:44:10 Well... It was posted here, Kon and Community same day, same time. 🤷‍♂️ 05:22:49 <3​21bob321:monero.social> look at mxid 11:19:26 It was also posted on r/Monero. Just an unfortunate coincidence. A very tight deadline necessary for CCC events around a day together with the MoneroTopia at the same time 11:19:35 Nothing more