11:00:02 Hi, I'm trying to build on gentoo as from the booboo overlay had a dependency error, that was fixed just by changing version to. (removing libusb and hidapi dependencies) but now the build crashes on some other error 11:05:29 http://dpaste.com/6L53BBB4S 12:11:51 I think I found the patch for that in net-p2p/monero::monero files/monero- 14:07:32 .merge+ 7675 14:07:32 Added 15:30:08 -xmr-pr- rating89us opened pull request #3580: Receive: selected address details on top; display last created address... 15:30:08 -xmr-pr- > https://github.com/monero-project/monero-gui/pull/3580 17:38:25 .merges 17:38:25 -xmr-pr- 3550 3553 3569 3571 3574 3575 3576 3578 18:39:08 Hello, i'd like to submit a PR but it also requires another PR in monero. This identity has no prior commit so i'm not allowed. How does one acquire this priviledge ? 18:42:00 I can add you 18:42:35 thanks, it's https://github.com/Malinero/ 18:43:44 afaik you have to PM luigi your github email address 18:43:45 not sure 18:44:13 Received invitation, thanks luigi ! 18:49:08 github username works too 18:49:18 malinero: thanks for the PR :) 18:50:26 selsta My pleasure :) 18:52:32 .merges 18:52:32 -xmr-pr- 3553 18:52:42 .merge- 3553 18:52:42 Removed 19:00:08 -xmr-pr- Malinero opened pull request #3581: Include hardware wallet support on unrooted android devices 19:00:08 -xmr-pr- > https://github.com/monero-project/monero-gui/pull/3581