00:15:53 hooray its there 00:18:27 "you have to open the wallet file..." <- got it back 00:18:37 ty for your help 00:18:45 i just gotta figure out now how to change it from view only so i can send it out 00:18:51 and get my money back lol 00:21:04 you either need the wallet.keys file 00:21:07 or the seed 00:21:11 or the private spend key 01:46:45 ya i cannot find instructions anywhere 01:47:57 SeanGolden[m]: how did you create the view only wallet in the first place? 01:48:30 when you first make a wallet it asks i think i clicked it somehow 01:50:04 supposed to be a way to change it thru command the cli program 01:50:08 but i cant find out how 01:50:52 been searching it will only let me make like a file that i guess can be imported to another hot wallet but finding that out seems impossible so far 02:02:09 Which program did you use to initially create the wallet? 02:02:27 monero gui 02:02:32 Also what's the wallet name inside your explorer? Does it end with _viewonly or so? 02:03:06 if you create a view only wallet it will create the _viewonly in addition to the regular wallet. 02:03:10 ya top left says Account #0 toxinburn 02:03:15 view only 02:03:22 but it has the balance 02:03:24 no 02:03:30 which operating system do you use? 02:03:36 windows 10 02:03:48 Ok, open explorer and go to the location of the wallet file 02:03:57 k 02:04:17 you should have wallet, wallet.keys, wallet_viewonly and wallet_viewonly.keys 02:04:21 with wallet being your wallet name 02:04:45 just toxinburn and toxinburn.keys 02:05:37 but like if you open it with gui wallet or choose to restore from that keys file it opens as view only everytime 02:05:54 i think you can change it with monero-walllet-cli.exe somehow 02:06:01 no, wait 02:06:58 If you click on "Create a new wallet" it will never create a view only wallet. 02:07:10 So I'm surprised how you got this in the first place. 02:07:26 The only way to create a view only wallet is to do it in Settings but then it will get created in addition to the existing wallet. 02:07:36 "wallet, wallet.keys, wallet_viewonly and wallet_viewonly.keys" <-- like here 02:08:13 i just used the toxinburn.keys file to restore from file 02:08:24 but it never asks again if you want view only or not 02:08:47 In the GUI there is only "Open wallet from file" and "Restore wallet from seed/keys". Which did you choose? 02:09:07 keys cause i did not have the seed 02:09:14 view only has no seed 02:09:50 on the keys page you have enter public address, private view key and private spend key 02:10:04 if you don't enter private spend key you will get a view only wallet 02:10:22 ya it does not have private spend key either 02:10:26 only public 02:10:43 it shouldnt be this ridiculous i know 02:11:00 but it is 1.372012190000 02:11:05 smh 02:11:40 To get public address and private view key you must have generated this wallet at some point in time. 02:11:59 That's where the seed usually gets written down :/ 02:12:11 ya i did and it never gave one with view only 02:12:21 nor a private spend 02:12:38 and i cant find any real support team for this wallet 02:13:24 When did you create this wallet? 02:13:48 on the 1st i believe it was 02:14:06 cause atomic was and still is messed up with xmr 02:14:19 Did you create it with atomic wallet? 02:14:46 it was sent to this address thru cake wallet 02:15:18 but it was on atomic then atomic support told me to import some stuff to gui which i did and now its on this view only crap 02:22:42 under send it says waller is view-only and sends are only possible by using offline transaction signing. Unless key images are imported, the balance reflects only incoming but not outgoing transactions. 02:23:34 so you can make a file with another wallet to send it to then create an offline transaction file 02:28:20 but i dunno if maybe i should just make another wallet go back to the view only then see if i can maybe import that file or what 02:43:20 SeanGolden[m]: do you still have to atomic wallet open? 02:43:35 what can you export there? there must be more than just view key 02:43:35 i can open it 02:44:39 SeanGolden[m]: https://support.atomicwallet.io/article/156-xmr-importing-keys 02:44:43 this has the steps 05:19:49 SeanGolden[m]: did ^ work? 05:20:39 you need the spend key, otherwise you won't be able to get your funds out