06:51:40 hello 06:52:05 is possible to extract all peers from p2pstate.bin 07:53:34 Yes, print_pl in monerod 07:56:36 thank you 07:57:57 i have download all blockchain on sd card 256gb but monero app cant even read the sd card 07:58:12 monero app is created from dockerfile on github 07:58:43 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40068984/universal-way-to-write-to-external-sd-card-on-android 07:59:07 i read this one but is too confusing 08:10:50 Maybe it doesn't support mmap, which monerod needs. 08:11:41 what is mmap? 08:19:56 A syscall to map I/O ranges to memory. 08:20:16 Basically read/write files from memory. 08:24:00 "arg(validator.storageAvailable).arg(estimatedBlockchainSize" 08:24:07 this are qt functions 08:24:13 maybe is qt issue 09:15:54 i strip daemon from apk and run it on termux with directory on sd card but i have immediately segfault 09:19:28 when i do "nano sdcard/somefile" i can write and read after 09:19:52 practically i have permissions 11:44:50 hello again 11:46:53 moneromooo u were right about mmap look http://paste.debian.net/1217264/ 11:50:19 if i do sudo ./monerod need rooted android 11:50:33 is possible to do it without sudo 12:31:54 do anyone here have any suggestion for mmap support on qt or termux 12:40:29 It's a filesystem/kernel/hardware level thing. 12:44:47 on this file src/blockchain_db/lmdb/db_lmdb.cpp 12:44:55 http://paste.debian.net/1217271/ 12:45:42 u cant insert anything on manifest file or any special permission on termux? 21:20:22 .merge+ 3697 21:20:22 Added