00:40:34 luigi1111w: don't forget about merge and tag before you go to sleep 00:41:04 luigi1112: ^ 00:41:12 constantly changing name lol complicated 00:42:56 luigi1111 and the rare luigi1113 01:24:05 Gotta catch em all 03:05:34 Hey is there any immediate plans for RPC over SSL for the GUI wallet? 03:22:02 jeffro256[m]: it should use SSL by default 03:22:06 did you test it? 03:23:35 rpc-ssl is kinda buggy without https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/7760 but that's a different topic 03:32:13 no I just grep'd SSL in the codebase 03:32:37 lol 03:32:47 I meant more like is there any plans for more fine-grained control over the SSL ? 03:32:56 Like is it an active thing currently? 03:35:11 jeffro256[m]: GUI uses wallet2 code 03:35:44 so it should work the same way as the CLI wallet by default 03:35:57 (it will use SSL if the node supports it) 03:36:06 but there is no fine grained control currently 03:37:29 Yeah I figured it used transparent SSL if available, but there really isn't a way to enforce which SSL keys it uses correct? 03:37:49 Like with the CLI 03:37:52 yes 03:39:12 Thanks! Sorry for the dumb questions 03:42:20 it shouldn't be difficult to add but the UI for it might be annoying 03:42:27 I think it could be beneficial to have some kind of connection security indicator like most browsers have 03:43:40 Maybe a little lock that is red if RPC is over plaintext, yellow if using whatever SSL is given, green if using explicit SSL 03:43:46 I need to look more into how wallet2 handles it 04:20:05 luigi1111: hmm, can you force push the tag? 04:20:15 the merges are missing 04:20:59 .merges 04:20:59 -xmr-pr- 3894 04:45:48 oh 04:47:46 try again 04:48:56 looks good now 15:47:49 luigi1112: https://github.com/monero-project/monero-gui/pull/3897 15:48:29 there is still a malicious node going around that sets high fees, so I would like to include this in the release (sorry lol) 15:49:12 another force push? 15:49:15 what do you think, should we force push the tag again, or tag v0.17.3.3? 15:49:20 the gui barely has devs anyway 15:49:23 I like force pushing 15:49:34 sounds good 15:49:38 keeps 'em guessing 15:50:34 can someone review this? 15:51:46 if tx fee is > 0.01, it will increase the size, change color and add "HIGH!!!" 15:51:47 ez 16:02:32 mj-xmr[m]: are you here? 16:02:48 can you review 3897 (code logic) 16:05:57 or jeffro256[m] maybe ^ 16:06:31 "can someone review this?" <- im compiling now 16:07:00 code looks good, > check for 0.01 and change pixel size to 20 16:07:49 reeemuru[m]: you have to set it to 0.001 or so for testing 16:08:03 one sec 16:08:11 otherwise it doesn't trigger for a normal tx with highest fees 16:13:02 the next step will be replace simple mode with a list of trusted nodes, but that won't be ready for this release 16:13:10 Looks good logically! I'll compile it soon. As a matter of code clarity, I would put a name to the constants 0.01, like maximumNormalFee, so its not so magic 16:15:46 donzo 16:15:48 * reeemuru[m] uploaded an image: (173KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/VJlgSDyooxTGrWCXUokyADUA/pr3897.png > 16:17:26 looks good 16:18:06 i sent the payment anyways though🫣 16:22:48 jeffro256[m]: I agree generally with no magic numbers but in this case it doesn't seem too important 16:22:52 it's basically all one bool 16:26:38 luigi1112: it's approved now 16:26:46 ty for the quick review reeemuru[m] jeffro256[m] 16:28:20 it's not a review it's a comment 16:28:24 er 16:28:29 it's not a thumbsup 16:28:37 pls 16:28:54 I'm a simple man 16:30:32 done 16:30:51 wait thats the approve thing right, sorry no coffee today 16:35:05 "mj-xmr: are you here?" <- Hey. Still here. Will check 16:35:34 mj-xmr[m]: it's approved already :) but thanks! 16:41:17 ah :) 18:02:30 I've never actually compiled Qt all the way from scrath before 18:02:31 It takes ages 18:03:31 jeffro256[m]: what OS do you use? 18:03:53 Plain old ubuntu 18:05:01 do you use docker to compile? 18:07:29 I used to do that but I'm trying to compile it natively for the heck of it (and without using the installer where you have to put in your email) 18:08:16 The open source repo is like 7GB 18:08:18 https://www.qt.io/offline-installers 18:08:33 this installer doesn't require an email but it's 5.12 instead of 5.15 18:08:59 but native compiling works too :P 18:10:54 Is that like a Linux AppImage installer script? 18:12:06 https://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt/5.12/5.12.12/qt-opensource-linux-x64-5.12.12.run 18:12:13 it's some kind of script 18:12:27 don't know details 18:13:48 There's so many ways to install it lol 18:14:21 apt works too 18:15:06 for some reason, apt didn't work for me because it didn't install the Qt5QuickConfig.cmake file 18:17:39 which Ubuntu version? 18:18:45 20.04.4 18:21:29 hmm weird that should work fine 18:21:43 we use that version for CI 18:22:15 Specifically which package do you use? 18:22:59 check .github/workflows/ci.yaml or so 18:23:12 then there is one for ubuntu with all the steps 18:24:13 cool ill take a look 18:25:33 Do you mean build.yaml? 18:33:43 yes 18:39:02 Ah I was missing qtdeclarative5-dev even though I had qtbase5-dev b/c of some other unrelated dependency issue. I'm still gonna try to compile qt just for fun though