00:23:54 there won't be a redesign lol 00:24:02 instead of overhaul of gui, would be better put all efforts in feather wallet & make it replace gui 😅 03:38:21 yeah i know there won't be a redesign, but my point was like.... whata the hotness these days? 03:43:58 lots of space 03:57:03 like, just open, empty space? 03:57:51 ya, lots of it. 03:58:43 nonsense. an ideal GUI is like on spaceteam :) 04:00:02 i think it became the "in" thing then they just rolled it into being "touch friendly" so it stuck. 05:50:26 "there won't be a redesign lol" <- y not 06:02:53 a redesign just for the sake of it is pointless 06:04:22 and it's not only costly, you also have to find a professional UI designer and Qt/QML expert that want to work for the CCS, these people don't appear out of nowhere 06:46:34 selsta: alright, although i truly believe its time for a redesign, current ui is outdated and doesnt give monero the justice it deserves (imo). I am dreaming of a Monero wallet that has the same UI as wasabi wallet 06:46:52 * selsta: alright, although i truly believe its time for a redesign, current UI is outdated and doesnt give Monero the justice it deserves (imo). I am DREAMING of a Monero wallet that has the same UI as wasabi wallet. 06:52:44 moneroextremist[: https://wasabiwallet.io this one? 06:53:00 looks like a normal WPF application 06:55:47 did you checkout feather wallet? it has a more normal desigb 06:55:49 design 06:56:58 yes im talking about this one 06:57:46 selsta: i would much rather use the official monero gui from a security standpoint, feather wallet is only a project managed by 2 devs where as the monero gui has a much stronger dev force and much stronger security 06:57:57 > <@selsta:libera.chat> did you checkout feather wallet? it has a more normal desigb 06:57:57 * i would much rather use the official monero gui from a security standpoint 06:58:31 * i would much rather use the official monero gui from a security standpoint, much more dev resources than feather wallet. they only have 2 devs and i dont really trust them 06:59:32 I mean I like programs like Wasabi wallet design wise but I wouldn't consider it modern. It looks like a regular Windows program. 07:00:27 selsta: to me the design of wasabi wallet is just 100,000,000x better than the GUI. i am literally dreaming of having this UI for a monero wallet 07:00:35 s/for/in/, s/a/the/, s/wallet/gui/ 07:00:50 * to me the design of wasabi wallet is just 100,000,000x better than the current GUI design. i am literally dreaming of having this UI in the monero gui 07:02:54 did you ever try the CLI wallet? 07:03:48 it's the most secure wallet 07:04:20 i never tried it 07:04:26 thats the one with the command lines? 07:04:31 it might fit your needs better 07:04:32 im fine with the gui security wise 07:04:41 i dont trust any other wallet other than the gui 10:15:58 Помогите, куда обратиться в поддержку если зависла транзакция и нет средств на счету? 13:12:03 for the record, feather wallet was created by someone that worked on the monero GUI for a while 21:42:25 hey selsta 21:45:22 hi 21:47:56 i promise this is the last time i bug you about this, if we don't get a UI update this year, its gonna mark over 5 years since the last UI update. If we reach that point, half a decade without a ui upgrade, how far are we going to go ? 6, 7, 8 ,9 years with the same UI ? 21:47:59 selsta: 21:48:05 * i promise this is the last time i bug you about this but if we don't get a UI update this year, its gonna mark over 5 years since the last UI update. If we reach that point, half a decade without a ui upgrade, how far are we going to go ? 6, 7, 8 ,9 years with the same UI ? 21:51:20 you are asking questions that are impossible to answer :D 21:51:48 there is no UI redesign planned currently, I don't know what will happen in the future 21:52:15 like I said, what you want is basically feather wallet 21:52:27 a regular design 21:54:14 selsta: i think feather wallet is great, and definitely much better than the GUI but its not anywhere as good as wasabi wallet when it comes to "regular design" wallets 21:54:29 What I am proposing is not a regular design wallet, but rather a modern, sleek, clean UI for the GUI 21:55:29 Are you a Windows user? 22:33:16 moneroextremist Do you have anything specific in mind? If you do, maybe you could open a CCS, design the elements, write the Qt components, and submit a PR 22:34:39 Or even better, do you have a specific gripe with the UI? 22:36:23 jeffro256[m]: Maybe offtopic, how hard is it for a web designer to work with qt ? asking for a friend 22:40:55 * jeffro256[m] uploaded an image: (63KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/monero.social/MOJZHxZkgLyfvTGGgyVmZcAa/dt940922dhc0.gif > 22:42:32 jeffro256[m]: he wants a typical Windows WPF application, similar to Wasabi wallet 22:45:40 nikg83[m]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QML this has some examples of QML, which is used for the frontend. C++ is used in the backend. 22:47:42 What are the benefits of WPF apps over Qt? Do they tend to be more performant on Windows systems? I'm guessing they also match the system theme to a certain extent 22:48:10 they will look more native on Windows 22:49:25 Or moneroextremist do you just want a more sparse UI? 22:50:58 To be precise, Wasabi uses .NET 6, which is cross platform. I don't know what they use for the UI but it looks similar to WPF. 22:51:59 Isn't Qt supposed to make the app look native anyway? 22:53:55 There is Qt Widgets and QML. Widgets should look close to native and QML allows you to create your own UI designs. 22:54:43 e.g. Feather uses QtWidgets and monero-gui uses QML 22:56:29 moneroextremist[: is this Wasabi wallet? https://www.wasabiwallet.io/images/wasabi-wallet-laptop.png?ver=1.1.0 22:56:38 Or this? https://camo.githubusercontent.com/87670baee566fcbfb0e5dcf8a03c4059b9d28abdbeb82a40771b822b6c0302bb/68747470733a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f67493735454b752e706e67 22:57:33 The first one looks like a regular Windows application. The second one has a more "fancy" UI. Maybe you meant the second link. 23:26:03 "moneroextremist: is this..." <- yes im talking about the first one that looks regular 23:49:14 but i also said i wanted a modern look on the gui, wasabi is a regular look. either way i like them both. 23:49:53 "moneroextremist Do you have..." <- yes i have something specific in mind, however im not a UI designer :(