13:58:28 any thoughts? user can't open saved wallet file, shows boost error. https://www.reddit.com/r/monerosupport/comments/vwemxl/noob_question_about_storing_xmr/ 13:59:06 whenever i see boost i lean towards it being an actual problem 14:01:20 Looks like a empty filename. 14:01:50 Ask if the filenmae, or any directory leading to it, has non 7 bit ASCII characters, or space, or ':'. 14:02:58 It thinks the wallet name is "C:\\", so either something misparses hte filename, or the poster is inputting it wrong, or it's empty and the OS replaces empty with C:\\ because windows. 14:03:28 Oh, nvm, it already says " (I use special characters in naming the wallet like ?!š etc.)" 14:03:52 Then maybe ask if they can repro with monero-wallet-cli. If not, it's a GUI bug. 14:04:15 If yes, and they're sure the name is correcly escaped, it may be a wallet2 bug. 14:05:02 "correctly escaped" if spceified from the shell. Don't need to escape if prompted by monero-wallet-cli. 14:05:40 It could be a UTF-8 encoding thing too. Especially on windows, which IIRC uses the non standard UCS2-LE (because windows). 14:25:30 https://stackoverflow.com/a/31976060 14:25:59 forbidden chars in windows filename - i see a "?" in the list and OP mentions it 14:27:49 will the monero gui allow ? in filename on windows yes/no (i dont have windows to test) 14:35:57 if (/[\/]/.test(walletName.text)) { 14:37:18 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-gui/blob/b26f38d37ed81e84e51199425a633bc517f7bec2/wizard/WizardWalletInput.qml#L73 14:41:11 does the cli handle filenames (os specific)? hm 14:44:31 Rephrase ? 14:45:16 It clearly handles filenames, what in detail are you asking about ? 14:45:16 is there a check in wallet-cli that says 'if we're on windows and ? is supplied for filename then this is bad' ? 14:45:35 Unlikely. And there should not be. It should let the OS error out. 14:45:41 or rather - error failed to create wallet file? 15:21:26 i did a quick test (always return true from the guis wallet name verify function) , i set the name of a wallet i know exists already , the gui did not complain (i expected to see this error somehow https://github.com/monero-project/monero/blob/424e4de16b98506170db7b0d7d87a79ccf541744/src/wallet/api/wallet.cpp#L484) is this an issue selsta? ( im assuming if you enter a ? on windows then you may also not receive an error) 16:06:07 Hello, is Flatpak `org.getmonero.Monero` officially from the getmonero.org team? Is it even supported? 16:28:19 Not that I know of, but I could have missed it. Is it claiming so ? 16:36:45 BigmenPixel 16:39:35 "Hello, is Flatpak `org.getmonero..." <- Built from source files; supported. 16:43:39 Ah ok. That's good to hear, thanks. I've been struggling for the past couple of hours in creating a wallet which is outside of the conventional `~/Monero/` directory. Apparently the FP version only has access to that, and I had to manually allow another location to be allowed (using Flatseal). 16:43:39 Though I think there's a bug there: If you choose the directory by doing "Browse" (so using your file manager), choosing even a directory which has been allowed, is not possible. 16:45:59 > <@forevernoob:matrix.org> Ah ok. That's good to hear, thanks. I've been struggling for the past couple of hours in creating a wallet which is outside of the conventional `~/Monero/` directory. Apparently the FP version only has access to that, and I had to manually allow another location to be allowed (using Flatseal). 16:45:59 > 16:45:59 > Though I think there's a bug there: If you choose the directory by doing "Browse" (so using your file manager), choosing even a directory which has been allowed, is not possible. 16:45:59 Probably the Qt file selection portal opens, but for some reason monero-gui does not work with this. So only manually allow the custom directory. 16:48:02 If you specify the path manually, then it works yeah, but here's the dangerous part: 16:48:02 When you specify a path manually, it proceeds to create the wallet, the addresses etc. 16:48:02 BUT: The wallet disappears once you close the GUI. So that means all XMR which has been transferred to the wallet that was created in a path which was not allowed, are gone. 16:48:33 * If you specify the path manually, then it works yeah, but here's the dangerous part: 16:48:33 When you specify a path manually, it proceeds to create the wallet, the addresses etc. without warning you that it's all temporary (!!!) 16:48:33 BUT: The wallet disappears once you close the GUI. So that means all XMR which has been transferred to the wallet that was created in a path which was not allowed, are gone. 16:49:00 * If you specify the path manually, then it works yeah, but here's the dangerous part: 16:49:00 When you specify a path manually, it proceeds to create the wallet, the addresses etc. without warning you that it's all temporary (!!!) 16:49:00 So... The wallet disappears once you close the GUI. So that means all XMR which has been transferred to the wallet that was created in a path which was not allowed, are gone. 16:49:55 That sounds like a pretty serious bug. 16:50:23 > <@forevernoob:matrix.org> If you specify the path manually, then it works yeah, but here's the dangerous part:... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/189ffe48533a980044c75759ce90f14f9d97a95c) 16:50:47 * also dangerous. (no sandbox) 16:51:14 True, best would be to not allow the creation of a wallet if the wallet files fail to be created for whatever reason. 16:54:44 ForeverNoob[m]: It seems to me that in this case it is better to open an issue on the github page. (not on the org.getmonero.Monero repo) 16:55:41 Ok, will do. 17:05:37 plowsof: it should definitely complain if you set the name to an existing wallet, it has always done this 18:15:25 Hello everyone! 18:15:25 I have made an exchange of BTC to XMR two hours ago on https://changenow.io and the transaction is considered successful : https://xmrchain.net/tx/ef13d9310f0d43d0c97ef4c4a721dd7c553f3b1957cf7042c2d1a456187a2b4a Still, I have received nothing in my wallet. Can you help? 18:19:13 contact changenow maybe? 18:19:34 is your wallet fully synced? 18:19:52 it should be syncced at least up to block 2665080 18:20:00 * metawill[m] uploaded an image: (16KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/WHZFavmbRUcnbmziaOOhCkra/image.png > 18:20:01 the interface says it is synchronized 18:20:34 I have contacted channow's chat, and they say that everything is correct 18:24:53 So, is that normal that I still have nothing? Does it take many hours to process, and can you help from the transaction details? 18:25:09 Fro now, I feel I have lost the money 18:25:19 still evrything has been done correctly 18:25:28 metawill[m]: can you go to Settings -> Info and post 18:25:44 Version, Wallet Mode and Wallet restore height 18:25:48 all 3 18:26:53 * metawill[m] uploaded an image: (88KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/vRqSmTxXAfHsEPGhmKrQaIif/image.png > 18:26:54 French version sorry! 18:29:18 your restore height is completely off 18:29:24 did you change it yourself? 18:32:14 metawill[m]: can you set a remote node first? https://github.com/monero-project/monero-gui/issues/3912#issuecomment-1119632082 18:32:20 follow the steps in this comment 18:33:47 Ok, I try 18:34:23 what does mean "restore height is completely off" ? the number indidcated is : 9052021 18:35:54 20:19 it should be syncced at least up to block 2665080 18:36:11 your restore height is ~ 4x higher than that 18:36:50 I have done nothing, so what do I have to do? 18:37:42 like I said, follow the steps in the linked comments and then i will give more instructions 18:40:07 How do I use advanced mode and set a custom remote node? 18:40:28 On the interface, I can't see anything for that 18:41:56 screenshot? 18:42:09 * metawill[m] uploaded an image: (166KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/PYEBixYPmMAEGzrzbhJlSidc/image.png > 18:42:46 Click on the door symbol in the top left corner, it's right next to the lock symbol. 18:43:31 if you hover over it it should say close wallet or something like that 18:44:09 Ok, then? is that the bottom button "change wallet mode?" 18:44:15 * metawill[m] uploaded an image: (121KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/NtgesJfUTyvEWtdgVzyJSZEC/image.png > 18:44:16 yes 18:44:33 Ok, so I choose advanced mode? 18:44:37 yes 18:44:43 then open your wallet again 18:45:04 i can't give you instructions in french so it's a bit more complicated 18:45:42 Before, do I do something from here 18:45:45 * metawill[m] uploaded an image: (136KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/uwAeofoCMiLDQqzPidMWlTSn/image.png > 18:45:56 you open your wallet again 18:46:51 ok 18:47:00 hold on 18:47:12 here I am now 18:47:17 Then you go to Settings -> Node 18:47:21 * metawill[m] uploaded an image: (130KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/KRSNRxAoqnhYgFYCRlcTOmxw/image.png > 18:47:24 and select remote node 18:48:14 the one with cloud? (remote daemon) 18:48:23 yes 18:48:53 then you enter one from this list: https://github.com/monero-project/monero-gui/issues/3912#issuecomment-1119632082 18:49:18 it asks me if I want to stop the local node or to leave it in rear 18:49:29 to I stop, or continue exectution? 18:50:02 stop the local? 18:50:58 Looks like their restore height is a date 9/05/2021, instead of the correct height 18:50:58 Just try setting a correct height? (Sorry to interrupt) 18:52:17 * metawill[m] uploaded an image: (132KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/fiUTeWYjymBZIPHMWXrTQyHL/image.png > 18:52:28 what is a correct height? 18:52:42 Do I validate this? (see screen capture) 18:52:44 Height before your first transaction in the wallet 18:52:59 I don't get it 18:53:41 Block height 18:53:41 Current blockchain is 2665080 blocks. That is the current height 18:54:17 I have done what you said, see 18:54:24 * metawill[m] uploaded an image: (169KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/NOfzPRFixuEZdXYrpvqJEPwy/image.png > 18:54:29 I'm disconnected 18:54:44 I'm lost 18:56:18 Close and open? 18:56:55 If you could switch to English, would be easier Lol 18:57:33 Sure! How do I do that? 18:57:57 I donload another version? 18:58:13 The same way you set it to French, I wouldnt know. 18:58:13 To close and open, the x button works :P 18:58:54 Ok, it's in English now :) 18:59:18 * metawill[m] uploaded an image: (190KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/EKgDqheVjwmyRavOqlFuvyQE/image.png > 18:59:19 So, what do I do now? 18:59:32 I still have 0 XMR 19:00:10 "image.png" <- Go to this page 19:00:51 How long ago was the first transaction in this wallet? Aprox 19:01:11 Recent? Early, mid, late last year? 19:01:12 3 hours ago 19:01:18 * metawill[m] uploaded an image: (161KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/vGquArgUPKRNrYaTvOLCefTZ/image.png > 19:01:21 transaction hash: 19:01:21 https://xmrchain.net/tx/ef13d9310f0d43d0c97ef4c4a721dd7c553f3b1957cf7042c2d1a456187a2b4a 19:02:04 I never used it, I only exchanged BTC to XMR but I never bought anything 19:02:24 I just want to charge my wallet 19:02:32 So, what's next? 19:02:51 ofrnxmr[m]: On this page 19:02:51 Change restore height to 19:02:51 2660080 19:03:43 done! 19:03:51 * metawill[m] uploaded an image: (133KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/cDxQVPiovQyWHFvRAgajqCNZ/image.png > 19:04:21 Wallet syncing? 19:04:48 Sorry?? 19:05:14 Did your wallet start synchronizing 19:05:44 Yes! I have my XMR charged! 19:05:45 Thank you very much for you time! 19:05:45 * ofrnxmr[m] uploaded an image: (9KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/monero.social/MInvkWoHZYDxacRGEmQVJwpp/image.png > 19:05:50 I really appreciate! 19:05:55 NP. So everything is good? 19:06:04 So far, so good! :) 19:06:33 I'm not XMR wealthy yet, but it's a start! ;-) 19:06:45 * metawill[m] uploaded an image: (161KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/zfInvPfbmAUjzHAdLsfKPAcm/image.png > 19:07:10 So, I keep the remote mode, from now on? 19:07:29 The remote node you are using is trusted, so you may 19:07:44 Ok, so I don't touch nothing 19:07:56 I keep it running like it is 19:08:35 Yes. No need to touch anything. 19:08:35 Its better privacy to use your own node though. 19:08:35 Are you part of the developer team? 19:09:29 If I go back to local mode, could be a trouble? 19:11:15 No trouble for local mode. Local will use your own node. You were using previously? If so, I suggest going back to local mode 19:11:30 Your issue was the restore height. Your node was 👌 19:11:57 Great, thank you very much again for your time 19:12:15 Best wishes 19:12:29 And btw I am just a community member, for now 19:12:38 Take care 19:13:40 I appreciate even more your help then. 19:14:18 See you again someday maybe. Best regards 19:15:56 ofrnxmr[m]: ty for helping forgot to reply lol 19:18:24 And btw I am just a community member, for now <<>> you can't leave 19:22:12 selsta: np 19:30:11 Is sending 0.0001 XMR via Monero GUI normally a problem? 19:31:03 * a problem? (When connected to an external node) 19:33:45 `WARNING: no two valid DNS TXT records were received` - Could this be the potential culprit? 19:38:26 Ok, now sending 0.001 XMR failed. This is my 5th attempt. Any ideas? 19:39:51 using a ledger wallet right? confirmed everything on it? 19:40:29 does it just say failed in your transactions list? 19:40:32 Well, almost :p 19:40:32 This is the part where I send a test amount to that ledger wallet address. 19:41:35 plowsof: "Send (failed)" 19:41:35 And then after I switch views (go from Account to Transactions for example) the transaction is no longer there. 19:41:44 use this node selsta2.featherwallet.net port: 18081 19:45:22 s/Send/Sent/ 19:45:47 > <@forevernoob:matrix.org> "Send (failed)" 19:45:47 > And then after I switch views (go from Account to Transactions for example) the transaction is no longer there. 19:45:47 Correction: Still failed, but the transactions don't disappear. I was just sorting by block height instead of date. 19:46:15 plowsof: I switched to another pub node, if that doesn't work then I'll try your suggested node. 19:47:29 ForeverNoob[m]: i'd recommend to use advanced mode with a dedicated remote node 19:57:50 My 7th attempt is more entertaining: 19:57:50 `Couldn't send the money: transaction was rejected by daemon with status: . Reason: double spend, invalid input` 19:59:48 Tried all kinds of external nodes (in advanced mode) but yeah. 20:00:55 Never thought a simple "Hey let's add a Ledger to my XMR wallet so that I'm a bit more secure." would turn into a whole day of uh... fun :p 20:04:06 wait 20:04:27 But at least it exposed a potentially devastating bug (the report of which I'm writing atm), so I guess there was at least some benefit to all of this madness 🤷 20:04:43 i mean nothing should have happened 20:05:00 you likely have to resync your wallet and your funds should be there again 20:05:19 did you enter the "failed" txid on xmrchain.net ? 20:05:27 does it show up or not? 20:06:08 also open the wallet you sent it to (your ledger) and it should be there 20:07:48 ForeverNoob[m]: that issue you opened does seem legit 20:08:27 "It seems to me that in this case..." <- https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/8429 20:08:45 BigmenPixel[m]: is there a specific bug tracker for flatpak monero related issues? 20:08:55 because this isn't something we can fix 20:09:57 ForeverNoob[m]: did you look into your tmp directory? i assume the wallet should still be there 20:14:04 selsta: Heh, a funny story about that... 20:14:04 (I can't remember exactly what I did, but here's a rough sketch of what happened) 20:14:04 I think when I pointed the "Browse" file manager to my actual wallet keys which were outside of the allowed directory, it complained about some directory in `/var/run/user/1000/` about another wallet file. So I went there and checked out what was happening. I found exactly the wallet file I was trying to open. So I thought it was copied from the directory I pointed the Monero GUI to. 20:14:04 So thinking this was some temporary file, and that my actual wallet key was somewhere else, I just deleted it. 20:14:11 Spectacular mistake! 20:14:54 Apparently it was a hardlink? Anyway, it deleted the original wallet key file 🤡 20:15:27 Luckily I have my seed, so restored from that, but I couldn't remember the block height, so then it turned into the waiting game. 20:15:47 you can also approximate the block height with a date 20:15:56 if you remember your date of wallet creation, or a date before that 20:16:05 e.g. 2020-05-01 20:17:04 selsta: Yeah thing is I didn't really remember :p 20:17:34 also don't remember the year? lol 20:17:53 Anyway, all of my 6 attempts which resulted in a txid do not show up in https://xmrchain.net/ 20:18:10 selsta: Heh I'm not an intensive XMR user unfortunately :p 20:18:39 somewhere between 2014 and 2022 at least 20:19:04 yeah I think somewhere between those dates would be a good guess :p 20:23:17 i have flatpak ubuntu too. you can download the monero gui app image from getmonero and avoid these issues 20:23:25 not app image but.. the linux version 20:23:49 "because this isn't something..." <- Would it not be possible to just not allow creation of wallet if wallet file creation fails? 20:24:11 well it depends on what exactly is going on here 20:24:14 plowsof: Yeah I guess, but I wanted AppImages with sandboxing and auto updates capabilities :p 20:24:37 monero gui has auto update feature now 20:24:53 so maybe it is something we can fix on monero's side 20:24:58 (it alerts you to a new version in the app) 20:25:32 plowsof: Oh that's new to me, but I'd rather become aware of a new version _before_ launching it :) 20:25:41 what i don't understand, are sandboxed programs allowed to access tmp? 20:26:08 IIRC Flatpak has its own tmp 20:26:41 monero gui does not force but it tells you its available and you choose * 20:27:15 ForeverNoob[m]: but sure, if saving does not work there should be extra error messages / abort 20:29:03 plowsof: Well tbh I'd rather like it if it actually _would_ force me. This way I would minimize the risk of opening the app which potentially might have an (known but) unpatched remote hole in it before I can update. 20:29:47 just admit you are a flatpak maxi 20:31:16 Hey at least I'm not a Snap maxi :p 20:32:02 snap = ubuntu thing? 20:32:17 yeah.. i have snap.. flatpak 20:32:56 selsta: Yeah Snap is similar to Flatpak, but you can't turn auto updates off :) 20:33:20 i only remember reading that snap significantly increases the app startup time in some situations 20:33:40 and that ubuntu forced everyone to use it 20:34:45 Yeah both are somewhat true. Though tbh even Flatpak apps add some overhead. Canonical is just transitioning to Snap as their main package format. 20:38:46 Btw, just made a "temporary" wallet and I don't see anything in `/tmp/` 20:43:31 wait, have to look up the full tmp folder 20:43:36 it's in a subdirectory i think 20:44:59 if you click on "Create new wallet" does anything show up in /tmp/ ? 20:45:09 if you finish creating the wallet is should get deleted again 20:46:07 it's either TMPDIR and if that's not defined it's saved in /tmp 20:46:15 so maybe flatpak defines that env variable? 20:50:10 I didn't observe anything in `/tmp/` during the entire process. 20:50:57 Could be in `~/.local/share/flatpak/` 20:52:46 ForeverNoob[m]: Ah no, those are the apps themselves. Appdata is I think in `~/.var/app/` 20:52:46 Both of course if app is installed for user instead of system. 20:56:21 Nah, can't find anything there either. 20:57:55 Anyway, does the Monero GUI support sending XMR or can it only let XMR wallets disappear? :p 20:58:57 also with snap you have to use their store/repo. flatpak you can use theirs or your own. 21:19:16 selsta: pls unblock my tx im using ur node now 😇 21:40:02 Anyone here has a guide on how not to double spend? 23:31:19 ForeverNoob[m]: did you try restoring your wallet? 23:32:22 How do you mean, using a seed? Yes and both daemon and blocks are synced. 23:33:00 and what does it say in your transaction history? 23:35:45 Basically a bunch of failed transactions saying "Sent (Failed)" 23:36:17 s/daemon/wallet/ 23:36:41 * ForeverNoob[m] uploaded an image: (49KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/kxkpVZxKeTuEFSIPzFFSBFgQ/image.png > 23:37:49 right, did you restore your wallet after the first failed tx showed up? 23:50:29 selsta: You mean restore it again from the seed? 23:50:44 yes 23:51:48 I can try. Last time took a while, so should I restore it from the first ever tx of that wallet or can I also do it from the last one? 23:52:01 first one 23:52:14 the restore height has to be lower than your first one 23:52:44 something is bugged in your wallet and restoring from seed is usually helpful 23:52:44 Oh boy, here we go again ⏳️ 23:52:53 i haven't seen failed tx in a while 23:58:37 selsta: If I connect to external node, all block info will come from that node or is that process fully p2p? 23:59:17 daemon / nodes does p2p 23:59:23 the wallet only gets infos from the node